Friday, March 31, 2017

Pictures from my Week

Not blogging much these days. One reason is because I can no longer do it from my phone. I used to....but that has all changed. It's one of those - I needed to do this so I could do that, then I could no longer do this because it all changed because of that. Got it??? Haha

Let me explain. We couldn't get NBC because of our TV provider (Dish) dropping our local station. (it's still not settled. So happy we dropped Dish) So I decided to get the NBC app on my phone. But I needed to do the upgrade first which has been available for forever but I never bothered to do it. That upgrade was fine, except for the Blogger app. They need to do an upgrade. It doesn't work properly at all. SO sad. All that to say I will now need to blog from our laptop computer. That is not convenient for me.... at all!

Looking back at my pictures from the past week....

Last Saturday was BEAUTIFUL!!

How I enjoyed sitting on my porch!

We really did get a lot done, but that day was not passing by without some
sitting and enjoying!

Dinner out there too!
And a sunset peeking through the trees.

Not a regular occurrence yet,
but hopefully soon!

Sunday evening we had a game night at our house with our home group from church. We played two games. One was sort of like Charades. Can you guess what they are doing?? 

If you guessed 
Crowd Surfing
You are correct!

I did not have a clue what they were doing. 
Thank goodness it wasn't me that was guessing or our group would have lost a point!
It was a really fun night.

Monday was a Noah and Nana day.

He found a mitten and his hat.
All ready to go outside, Nana!

I guess if I can't go outside,
I'll hang the mitten......

....and my hat.

Melt my heart!!

It was a nice afternoon and we did go outside to play.

But first....

He needed to help Nana make the sauce for the mini meatloaves.
He's SO happy to help.

Bats and balls =)

Look who came home!

Come play with me!!
It was a good day.

We've had rain this week too.

It's raining again today.

Looks like rainy days and cloudy days are in the future 
with a nice Sunday coming up =) 

We have a crazy robin. It continually tries to get into the garage through the window!

It leaves dirty marks and bird poop on the sill.
Who would ever guess that hubby just cleaned this window 
 a day or two before I took the picture.

The rake is to deter the crazy robin.
It's not working!!

At least it gave up trying to fly through the
 family room window
the door and the window in the laundry room!!
What the heck?!!

I will end with a picture of this cute little lamp.

Greta and her family gave me a birthday gift
 that happened to be the same thing that Corey and his family gave me.
Crazy, eh?
 (we all got a chuckle out of it!)

So I returned Greta's gift to HomeGoods.
LOVE that store!
Picked out this lamp.
Love it!!

Now I must go to Kohl's to use the $10 they gave me for my birthday. Use it today or lose it. I know I could order something on-line but I love to shop. In a store. By myself, sometimes anyway. 

God Bless your day! Stay safe, stay warm, stay dry!

Friday, March 24, 2017

What's Happening.....

I am alive and well =)  Just busy living. Here's what's happening around here.

  • Our snow is melting. I'm ok with that!
It's melting when the days are warm enough.
Obviously there's been some of those in the past week.
But wow, we've had some really cold days and nights too!
Tomorrow it's to be near 70, yay!

  • Baby Cambrie is 2 months old!
Soooo adorable!!

  • Noah was exploring new things yesterday. He keeps me on my toes!

  • I can now watch The Voice when it's airing =)
My favorite show!

Back story, 
We had Dish for our TV and Dish and Hearst Corp. (owner of our local NBC station) are in a dispute over money. It's been off the air for 3 weeks now. Last Saturday we switched to Comcast.....the equipment came on Tuesday. Corey hooked it up; I was one happy Mama! I've been missing the local news (tried watching other networks but just didn't like how they do things, haha!) Also been missing the Today show. I was able to watch the Voice and This is Us on Hulu (next day) which I purchased for that very purpose. 

We don't have as many channels with Comcast (smaller package) so we will see if we really need more. HGTV is not's one I like a lot. 

  • On Tuesday Gina, Ellen and I spent some time together. We had lunch at a new Panera near where Gina lives. It was really nice. I tried a new roasted beet salad that was amazing!! We also stopped in at Greta's house and Marcy's house. It was a really good day.

  • Spring on our front door!

Had this wreath for so long.
It brings me SO much joy to hang it!
(even though it's old)

Time to get on to something else.....duty calls. 
God Bless your day!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Snow Days

We had snow, about 12 inches of the white stuff. Everyone stayed home yesterday.....a real snow day!

 For some reason no one wants to eat out on the deck ;-)

The hydrangea bush will need a start-over on producing leaves, again.

On the inside looking out is where I wanted to be!

Bright spots inside the house......

 Bringing in the 4 daffodils that had bloomed before the snow
seemed like the smart thing to do.
Love them!

Flowers from my hubby for my birthday!
Love them!

No school for the kids again today. Corey went to work but Dale stayed home. This afternoon the kids went outside to play in the snow. Pop Pop took Noah for a ride.

Is that just not the cutest??

 He loved it!!

It's really cold.

It snows and blows.

Snow blew into the screened porch....
even on my chair =(

So I sat inside and ate a plate full of strawberries =)

Spring is just around the corner.....I hope it feels more like it when it gets here!

Monday, March 13, 2017

There's Snow Coming.....(I didn't wish for it!)

We, like many on the East Coast, are waiting for the big snow to arrive here tonight and into tomorrow. We've done very well, in my opinion, with very little snow this winter. For those who really desired a BIG one, it's on it's way.

We are in the Isolated 16+

It's to be windy too, so drifting is a concern as well. Yippee. (please read that with lots of sarcasm!)
I'm not a fan of snow and cold (It's really cold too). Our mild February had us way spoiled....seems like we should be having April weather or maybe even May by now!!

Last week I posted a new profile pic on Facebook. So many people told me that I look so much like my youngest sister. So, I made a side-by-side..... 

Do we look alike? 
I'm not sure, 
but I'm very flattered
 to think
 I may look even a bit like my beautiful sister, Rose!

Today is my birthday, I'm now 63 just like my hubby. I'm feeling very blessed to be receiving so many greetings from so many. I had to chuckle...Dale forgot his phone this morning. When I unplugged it, there was a message on the screen that Doris Fahnestock has a birthday today....thankfully he didn't need the reminder =)

Here's our little puddin', Cambrie.......

She is SO sweet!!
I must dig out some of Marcy's baby pictures because,
 to me, Cambrie looks a lot like her mommy.

Not getting much done today and that's just fine. I'll make dinner later, need to take Ellen to work soon, and I'm determined to get out my spring wreathes for the doors. Maybe I'm feeling a bit rebellious because of the coming snow, haha.

God Bless your day! Stay warm, stay safe.

Friday, March 10, 2017


Woke up this morning and it was snowing. A little later when it was time to get my morning in gear and looked outside, wow! It was really snowing. My hubby said, Merry Christmas! haha!

It was to be a dusting to and inch or so....but it's lots more than that. And it's not in the 40's as was predicted. (at least that's what I thought....but what do I know. Our favorite local TV station is still off the air so I really have only gotten sketches of reports here and there from the radio in the car or from  my not favorite local stations.)

Earlier this morning.

The lacy snow curtain screened porch =)

I have two daffodil blooms
which are now hanging their heads.

These was taken earlier too.....more snow now.

Really cold weather is coming tonight. Patience required for those (me!) who desire to see more color out there!

Here's some color which brightens my day, everyday.....

Zoe's Aunt Kimmy got her this bag for her birthday.
It came with markers to give it color.
Zoe loves to color and she did a wonderful job making her bag so beautiful!
She's all ready to go to dance class,
and inside that bag are her ballet shoes and tap shoes.

Yesterday I was craving something baked. Not that I needed anything. But the rest of the family was eating donuts and I just wanted something!! To my Gluten Free Pinterest page I went....found a good looking blueberry muffin recipe and went to it.....

Oh. my. word.
They are so good.
And I am having a very hard time not eating every single one.....
at once.

Hope you are having a fabulous Friday. Been two days now that I'm feeling really good again....thank the Lord! 

P.S.  and then the sun came out....

But I'm keeping my eye on those darkish clouds behind the trees....that's just what the clouds looked like last week when intense snow squalls came through. It's predicted again for today. 

Monday, March 6, 2017

Quiet Days

Things have been rather quiet around here. Not much going on. I guess that's a good thing :)

I've had many days with a sore throat. Just can't seem to kick this. It's not that I feel terrible, my lack of energy is the biggest issue. It's ridiculous! In church yesterday I felt so drained that I was wishing I could go lay down. I didn't of course. Today I'm pushing myself to do what I must. Hoping, hoping my energy returns to normal soon. 

Our nice warm weather has gone away. Last Friday it even snowed a little bit. Snow squalls, bright sunny skies, snow squalls, was one of those days! 

Noah loves to take selfies....

He loves to look at these pictures too! Such a cutie. 

Today Brinley is here playing with Noah. Of course,  selfies!


They are busy playing. 

Yesterday baby Cambrie was here. I had not seen her all week. She is growing and becoming a little puddin!! Mommy says her favorite thing to do is eat :) sorry, I didn't take any pictures. 

Dinner is in the's chicken with bacon pieces, cheese and a sprinkle of garlic salt. Hope it's tasty! Smells good. 

No watching the Voice tonight. We have Dish for our TV....Dish is in a dispute with the company who owns our local NBC channel so it's been off the air since Friday. Each is blaming the other. (And I HOPE they are working towards a solution and soon!!) I'm terribly sad about the whole thing, as are a lot of other people. There are other choices for providers but since we live with family, it's not our decision alone. That's how it peacefully with others requires giving, sacrifice, compromise, and patience. And that's just the way it should be! 

God bless the rest of your Monday!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

A Party for a Special 7 year old!

Yesterday was a busy day with Ellen. First to York to see a doctor, a regularly scheduled appointment for her. The doc was way behind schedule so we waited about 1 1/2 hrs. He apologized but it wasn't something he could help.....two difficult cases ahead of us. I teased him that I bet he was happy to see Ellen on the schedule because we never have issues =)  We also shopped in several stores, had lunch at Issac's (where they apparently changed the GF bread to something that I think is tasteless, makes me so sad!), got her picture taken for her PA ID, and looked for a new coat. No luck on the coat. We did find one she liked at Kohl's but it wasn't on a good enough sale and no extra discounts were available for that day. I guess I'll check back on Friday when there will be extra $$ off.....hope it's still there.

Back to the focus of this post, Zoe's Birthday party.....

Sunday afternoon family and friends came to a party at our house. Zoe was so excited to be 7!

We picked at good snacks, visited and children played.

Time to open gifts!

All eyes on Zoe!

Carson kept on playing =)

Zoe got a lot of books to read and 
activity books and stickers to keep her busy for a long time!

Cute dress!
She wore it to school the next day.

People watching.....

 Carson finds more toys to play with =)

Go Carson!!

Inside the cute bag to hold her Bible and Awana book
are new tights =)

What little girl doesn't love jewelry?!!

She read every card!

A year of Highlights from Nana and PopPop!

Why is brother hanging out at the top of the stairs??

Because a special gift was up there!

A guitar! 
She really wanted a guitar!

Happy 7 year old indeed!

Time for cake....

Happy Birthday to you!

Licking icing off the candles and the Furbies!!

Cake and ice cream!

Everyone was enjoying dessert.....

 Carson was still playing!!
When he comes to this house, 
it's to 
play with toys!

What a fun party for a very sweet 7 Year old. I asked Zoe if she had a good time at her party and she gave me a very enthusiastic, YES!!

We are having storms today. Right now it's not storming and I think I should get out there and get the few errands finished that I was hoping to......before the next round.

Enjoy your Wednesday!