Monday, March 13, 2017

There's Snow Coming.....(I didn't wish for it!)

We, like many on the East Coast, are waiting for the big snow to arrive here tonight and into tomorrow. We've done very well, in my opinion, with very little snow this winter. For those who really desired a BIG one, it's on it's way.

We are in the Isolated 16+

It's to be windy too, so drifting is a concern as well. Yippee. (please read that with lots of sarcasm!)
I'm not a fan of snow and cold (It's really cold too). Our mild February had us way spoiled....seems like we should be having April weather or maybe even May by now!!

Last week I posted a new profile pic on Facebook. So many people told me that I look so much like my youngest sister. So, I made a side-by-side..... 

Do we look alike? 
I'm not sure, 
but I'm very flattered
 to think
 I may look even a bit like my beautiful sister, Rose!

Today is my birthday, I'm now 63 just like my hubby. I'm feeling very blessed to be receiving so many greetings from so many. I had to chuckle...Dale forgot his phone this morning. When I unplugged it, there was a message on the screen that Doris Fahnestock has a birthday today....thankfully he didn't need the reminder =)

Here's our little puddin', Cambrie.......

She is SO sweet!!
I must dig out some of Marcy's baby pictures because,
 to me, Cambrie looks a lot like her mommy.

Not getting much done today and that's just fine. I'll make dinner later, need to take Ellen to work soon, and I'm determined to get out my spring wreathes for the doors. Maybe I'm feeling a bit rebellious because of the coming snow, haha.

God Bless your day! Stay warm, stay safe.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! You and your sister do look alike! Both beautiful. Oh, and Cambrie has her eyes open...she is a doll! Praying you all stay safe and warm in the severe weather. Enjoy your special afternoon/evening. xoxo

Karen said...

Happy Birthday. Beautiful pics of you and your sister and Cambrie is adorable. Be safe in the snow. My son is in the Newark NJ area and they are supposed to get 18 inches or more. He says people are stocking up on groceries big time!

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

You and your sister do look so much alike, and Happy Birthday to you! The little one is just precious. Praying the snow isnt too bad, you stay warm and safe through it all.

Mari said...

Happy Birthday! I agree that you and Rose look a lot alike - both beautiful!

Kathy said...

Happy birthday! I'm glad you aren't doing too much. You shouldn't on this special day. I had to chuckle about your rebellious streak hanging spring wreaths.

Yes, you and your sister do look alike. Both of you are beauties.

Be careful with the snow. We are in the 12-16 inches band. I think we have all been spoiled this winter. At least it won't last too long. It's too late in the year.

White Lace and Promises said...

Doris, I think y'all look alike. Both of you are beautiful and you get even prettier each year. I forget, where do you live? We only got s dusting and I slep too late and didn't see it.

Theresa said...

Happy Birthday Beautiful friend of mine "a day late"! I will be 63 in May:) You and your Sister look SO much alike to me! You have so many sweet BABIES to love! Have a blessed day dear Doris! BIG HUGS

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Belated very Happy Birthday wishes to you, Doris. You're not getting older, but better as shown by the photo comparison with your sister! Hope that you had a great day despite the snowy weather. Thanks also for sharing the new photo of baby Cambrie. She is a real cutie!

Susan said...

I know you had such a wonderful birthday, sweet friend! You are beautiful inside & out!! I would love to get together with you in person one day ~~~ your grandbabies are so blessed to have you as their Nana <3 you <3