Saturday, February 5, 2022

Catching Up...

 This week...

Monday a flock of robins enjoyed the tree outside our dining room window!

Welcome Spring???

I wish!

Also on Monday

it was the 100th day of school.

Kindergarten always celebrates that day....

Meet old man Noah ๐Ÿ˜„

Zoe made the beard out of yarn.
She's our creative kid!

I like salad for lunch
I get tired of them!

I really do better eating salads than eating leftovers everyday.
(way too easy to overeat in my opinion)

Today I tried to make it  different enough for me want it...

So I used a fancier bowl,
added green olives, yum,
the rest of it was not something different.

Not crazy about this lettuce mix from Aldi,
not sure why.
Some of it seems really course, not a fresh crunch to it.
Ate it, with thanksgiving, anyway!

Do you see the towel with the butterflies on it? 
It reminds me of my blog friend Mildred
who passed away a few months ago.
I miss her so much!
There are days when I think I need to share something 
with her, then I remember.....

January pics since I last posted....

I did some rearranging in our basement living room.
It's not a large space but being surrounded by a some old but good stuff
brings me so much joy!

The gold chair was purchased many years ago
from the nursing home I worked at.
The arms are worn but it's still a wonderful chair.

The cat was purchased there too,
the small pillow and quilt also!

Basket was made by my late mother-in-law
as was the aqua throw.

Ceramic tree had belonged to a friend who passed away...
I was thrilled to be given the chance to purchase it!

Small chair was purchased at a household auction of a former landlord.

The chest belonged to my parents.

And of course, the pictures of my grandchildren bring me 
SOOOO much joy!!

Birds at the bird feeder brings me joy.

The squirrels not so much.

I've been chasing them out of the feeder all week
even though hubby put cayenne pepper in it. 
Caught them at the tube feeder too.

Today my hubby said they chewed the opening to make it larger!
What the heck. 

I'll take a pic of what he came up with to 
(hopefully) keep the pests away
and post it the next time. 

We hope it works!

Still desiring your prayers.
The surgery for my DIL is scheduled on Feb. 14.
Thankyou! ๐Ÿ’“

Blessings, my friends!
Stay well, stay warm.


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

So nice to find a new post, Doris, and thank you fir the birthday wishes. It seems your area also had some recent snowfall. The items in your basement living room are more special because of their memories. Hope all goes well with you DIL’s surgery on Hearts Day.

Kathy said...

I love it that everything in your living room has a special memory attached to it. That makes things even more special. Praying for your DIL and hoping all goes well.

Susie said...

Doris, Can you please tell me about your friend Mildred. I used to blog with a lady by that name and lost contact, can't fine her site. I loved seeing the robins . The pictures of your little boy made me smile. My g.grandson did a day as an old person in his class. Too cute and funny. Praying your DIL has a smooth surgery. Blessings to all there. xoxo, Susie

NanaDiana said...

OMGOSH- Did Mildred die? I wondered what happened to her!!!! I reached out several times and never heard anything back. I am saddened over her death. Wonderful post, Doris. Praying for your DIL and hope all goes well. xo Diana

Theresa said...

I miss Mildred too:( I also think of her at different times of the day and wish I could talk to her. Heaven is brighter with her sweet smile there to spread her love. I am praying for your DIL and will be praying for all of you! Love the olden fella:) HE is so cute. Enjoy your day dear friend, hope the birdies pay you special visits and that the squirrels stay away! HUGS!