Monday, January 17, 2022

Snow, A new way to get around, and a Treasure

 Snow again!

Not much, again.

But sooo pretty!

It soon got windy and all the snow fell off the trees.

It's been a gray chilly day. 

This is how Zoe often scoots around the house these days 😊

She sits on it like this and rolls around like it's nothing...
 It's so crazy!!

This is something I recently added to my treasures...

The chime clock!
It's so hard to get a good picture, so I apologize for that.

This clock was a gift to my mom from my dad
when he asked her to marry him!

He would tell the story about hiding it in the trunk 
of his car but was concerned she would
hear the chimes as he drove.
I think he stuffed newspaper
(or something) around them 
to not spoil his surprise! 

My brother had it since my dad had passed.
They had it repaired but has since stopped working.

Since my brother has now passed
my sister-in -law asked the siblings if one of us 
would like to have it...
(if no one else wanted it)

No one else wanted it (whew)
and it now sits proudly on my shelf...
had to make room but that's ok.

I love it!



Annsterw said...

That clock is wonderful - especially for it's history in your family! It amazes me that kids can do things that I could not even begin to accomplish! I could not fit my whole self on that thing let alone roll around without tumbling off! HAHA

Theresa said...

The snow is beautiful! We only got a little and it didn't stick. I love the clock, what a wonderful memory of your Dad gifting it to your Mom. SO happy that you were able to get it and looks beautiful on your shelf. My Grands have that contraption and they ride it like it's nothing. I have never seen anyone sit on it:) Enjoy your day dear Doris, HUGS!

NanaDiana said...

What a treasure that clock is in your family. I am so glad you have it.
I love watching the little Zoe scoot around. How fun is that!!
Have a wonderful week- xo Diana

Mari said...

It does look so pretty when the snow is on the trees.
That clock is a treasure, especially with that history!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

The story about the clock was lovely, Doris, and at some point you may want to visit the national Clock and Watch Museum in Columbia, PA, in Lancaster County. We were there last Sept and I posted about our visit today. It was a very interesting place and we saw lots of different clock styles, including mantel clocks like yours.

Kathy said...

How wonderful that you have the clock. My sister has one very similar. Do you think you could get it fixed? You have gotten so much snow out there. We have had a dusting that washed away in the rain. Don't know how today will turn out though. It's supposed to be bad. And of course today is when I have my doctor's appointment. Take care and stay warm.

Jean said...

I'm so glad you wanted the chime clock. It is PERFECT for your shelf!

I am so intrigued by the thing that Zoe scoot around on. What is it called?

Vintage Girl 901 said...

Doris, I'm sorry I haven't checked in with you. Gonna post soon with what's going on here. As we get older, it seems we face new and unfamiliar situations more than not. I wish we couldn't have gotten snow. It's a little too late for that now. It was 62 here today and rainy. Icy where the kids are.