Monday, November 29, 2021

Two Weeks of Happenings

 Another long break....again, not intentional! 

Let's catch up up with a few of my happenings from the last two weeks.

The leaves fell...

And now it's looking rather bare!

Without leaves we see

more sky

houses and buildings

and hear more road noise.

It's fine for a season but I'll be ready for leaves in Spring!!

Was getting ready to put my fall things away

but realized I hadn't taken pictures of it.

I like to look at pictures to see how I did things in previous years.

My memory is short on recall 😄 

The plaid pillow covers were new this year,

from Walmart. Love them!

Monday, November 22

The kids had another Spoil Day by Nana!

The wanted to make applesauce.

Aidan was doing school and didn't really want to help
so Noah and Zoe enjoyed taking turns cranking 
to turn the soft cooked apples into delicious applesauce.

They also wanted Starbucks 👍
Aidan got one too...he didn't wish to be photographed.

Ellen really wanted a cake pop!

Harley got none.
When you are a little older, Harley...Nana promise!

These Nana days are not because the parents are away having a day of leisure
although they surely deserve it!

Their Mommy is traveling for medical appointments
and Daddy takes her.
We certainly would appreciate if you could keep them in your prayers.

Wednesday, November 24

Zoe needed transportation for a school field trip.
Mommy was out of commission.
Daddy really needed to stay home and work.
Pop Pop was working.
 Nana was available!

I was never at this place before.
Safe Harbor Water Power Plant.

To get there we went on lots of back country roads...
up hills and down and around corner after corner!

Since it was only going to take an hour to tour I decided to sit in the van and read.
But it was nearly 2 hours till they came back! 

Thankfully it was a beautiful day 
and the view was something to be enjoyed.

Thanksgiving Day!

We had a very good day.

Corey and Christy worked together to prepare the turkey.
It was delicious!

I made everything else..
except the mashed sweet potatoes.
Christy makes them....sooo good!

Zoe made little turkey place cards...
she is our creative one!

Yum Yum!

For dessert....


Pumpkin Pie
Pumpkin cheesecake
Vanilla cake

All the food is now gone except some mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce!

My little Hallmark Christmas movie pal ❤

Zoe and I enjoyed two movies Saturday afternoon.

Saturday evening Dale, Ellen and I went for a drive to see some Christmas lights.
That wasn't our intention when leaving but that's what we ended up doing.

We intended to go to Walmart to pick up a toy order
but when I went to check in to let them know we were on our way
it said that all reserved spots were filled!

I only did pick up at Walmart one time so wasn't expecting that.

Reserved a spot for the next day  
then headed to Manheim to see some of our favorite lights.

And to stop for takeout at our favorite little restaurant.
Manheim Twin Kiss!

Love this light show set to music!

And this country home with such a tasteful display.
Especially fond of the blue lights!

It is amazing!

Sunday morning...

Our first bit of snow!

Of course it disappeared quickly.

Looks like the geese had the correct plan...
head SOUTH!

That's all for today...
I know it was a lot. (So sorry)

Hopefully we will get the Christmas decor out soon....
I'm so ready!

Stay warm, stay well!


Cindy said...

Spending time with the grand kids is the best! Glad you were available to drive and hank out with them when needed. I'll definitely keep your daughter in my prayers. For healing, peace of mind... I sometimes take pictures of my decor too. By the time an entire year goes by, you forget where it all was! :) The pumpkin cheesecake! I had never even heard of it until this year when my daughter and SIL brought one over. What do you think of it? Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving weekend!

Mari said...

Good times happening over there! Your Thanksgiving meal looks very tasty and I like Zoe's placecards.
Our oak trees hold there leaves for a long time and are still falling.
The light show looks like so much fun!

Theresa said...

My posts have been few and far between too, I understand. We are busy:) Anyway, your Thanksgiving looks yummy and now I want turkey again! I know you have the best times with those grandkids and Ellen too. I love seeing the lights. We don't get out much at night but did see lights earlier this week while driving home from a basketball game. I will continue to pray for you and your family! We are blessed, I am thankful for so much and so many... I am thankful to have YOU as my friend!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

This was a great catch-up post, Doris. Understandably this is a busy time between Thanksgiving and Christmas so no worries about infrequent blog posts. I have been trying to read other blogs t least weekly and not doing well myself. How nice that the grands enjoyed making applesauce and the turkey day festivities looked like a happy gathering with delicious food.

Jean said...

Never apologize for "a lot"! What delightful things to read and see!