Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Snow Fun, A Pretty Bird, Memories

More snow pictures from the past week..

A neighbor was helping to build a fort.

They worked so hard filling and packing the box,

lifting it upside down,

tapping it to loosen,

pulling it up!

After a few of those things they gave up.

Said it wasn't working.

We still have a few towers (although falling)

in our front yard!

Sunday morning we had more snow.

It was really pretty!

After it stopped 
it warmed up just enough to make the snow fall off the trees.

Several more storms were predicted for this week
but none made it to our corner of PA.

BUT tonight we are to get some.
I have a haircut appointment tomorrow
so hoping it's not much.

I'm a fair weather winter driver.
Even a little bit of snow makes me nervous.

Sunday was Super Bowl Sunday,
of course.

Christy and the kids went all out with food
for our little 'just us' celebration.

We had lots of good food!

I'm not into football...

This made me laugh!!
I do know a bit more then this suggests ☺

By the way, sharonsaysso is a good follow 
on Instagram.
She is a knowledgeable government teacher
who answers questions about how the US government works, etc.
She works very hard to state facts and not opinion.

She's funny,
she loves whales and eagles,
includes facts and pictures in between government discussions.
You will learn a lot and I highly recommend following!

Ok, that was a bunny trail!

This beauty showed up around lunchtime
and had a feast. 
No other birds were around so he stayed longer then usual.

How nice of him to pose for me!

Hoping to deliver some valentines to the little grandchildren
sometime before Sunday.

I'm not mailing them
because when I ordered the cards on Amazon
I only looked at the pictures
and NOT the size.

Yikes, they were so small!!

But cute and vintage looking ☺
So hand delivery it is.

I did mail a proper sized card to our great grandson
since hand delivery is not an option.

I'll be ready to choose some things personally
when I can shop in stores again!
But thankful for the shopping options I do have for now.

Yesterday my Dad would have been 98!
Here's a few pictures I selected of my sweet Dad.

This was taken probably a few weeks before he passed away.
I was staying with Dad and Mary that Sunday morning.
He decided it was a nice day 
and wanted to take a stroll through the neighborhood.
Lots of neighbors greeted them along the way...
they were so surprised to see him out and about.
He was so loved by everybody...
as was Mary!!

Taken during a visit when Aidan was a baby.
Dad always enjoyed the little ones!

I don't remember the year...
My brother purchased and restored a tractor that my dad bought new
when my brother was young.
It was sold at our farm sale
and somehow years and years later my brother found it!

At a sibling gathering at Dad and Mary's home
our brother surprised him by driving it into the driveway!

Does Dad look pleased?? ☺

This will always be a treasured memory!

Miss him like crazy!!!


Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

Love the snow pictures and those of your parents - special for sure. I agree that the food at a bowl game is better than the game itself.

Mari said...

I love that picture of your Dad on the tractor. I can't believe your brother found that very tractor. I know from both you and Jean how special your Dad was. I've told Jean that he reminds me so much of my Dad - full of faith and fun!
The snow is so pretty, but I don't like driving in it either.

Jean said...

Those pictures of Dad. Ugh. What good times we had together! That tractor day was July 4, 2008 according to our brother.

My hair appt. was scheduled for Tuesday morning, but we did have snow that night and morning, so I reluctantly called to reschedule. So my appointment was this afternoon at 3. And now it's snowing again, so I got in there between the snows!

I saw those attempts at building a fort when I stopped by on Saturday! Your snow pictures are gorgeous!

I cracked up at that Super Bowl thing, hahaha! Who makes the most baskets! Too funny!

Theresa said...

That smile shows how happy your Dad was to see that tractor. Memories, how they linger...

The snow is beautiful but oh my I couldn't drive in much more than a dusting (we get a tad about every two or three years). My hair is in great need of color and cut, perhaps next week.

Enjoy your day dear friend, BIG HUGS!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Happy Hearts Day to you and your family, Doris and it was nice to see the wintry snow-fun photos and remembrances of your father. We may be getting more snow in nashua on Monday, but the forecast has been changing so not sure. I am with you on not wanting to drive in any snow, light or otherwise and hope you can get to your hair appt safely.

Laurel Wood said...

The snow is pretty and I love the Cardinal! sweet pics of your dad and Mary. Stay safe and warm. Xo