Monday, June 15, 2020

A Birthday, A Visit, A Bear

A Birthday

Sunday June 7

Our grandson had a birthday! 

This kid has grown up so much since we started living in the same house.

Such a cute little guy on 2014 ♥

This year we celebrated with his other grandparents
in the front yard.

It was a very nice evening for 
Chinese takeout...
the meal of choice for the birthday boy!

Of course gifts were included too!

Dad wrapped this one...
it included lots of duct tape!

Opened the box, finally...
and found another package wrapped in bubble wrap 
and more tape!!

Dad, what the heck?? ☺

He was very pleased to find a Kindle inside.
This 12 yr. old reads all the time!
No libraries are open and e-books are keeping him supplied.

We had cake, of course...
no, a birthday PIE!

A dairy and gluten free coconut cream pie...
which he helped to make.

It was delicious!!

Not everyone likes coconut so they also made a
chocolate peanut butter pie.
It was very delicious too!

We had a great evening celebrating our 
12 year old Aidan!


A Visit

Earlier that day my sister
texted me saying that she and her hubby were in the area
and would stop by if we were home.

How nice to visit with them!

My sister, Jean, and her hubby, Dick.

This is the sister that I was to go for a 
three-sister-time the previous weekend.

Still hoping to do that! 

I know some are ignoring recommended restrictions
but we both have loved ones where caution is of great importance.

So we live lovingly.
And it is just fine!

Sure, I'd be so ready for all this to be over.
But it's not.


A Bear

That same Sunday I came upstairs to find this!
There he sat,

 all night apparently (!), 

just waiting
 for someone to press the button 
to get him some coffee!!

I had to giggle even though I had yet to get MY coffee ☺

Take care, everyone!


Susie said...

I absolutely love Aidan's face when he saw another taped up gift inside. What cute kid. You all seem to be a great family enjoying each other's company. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

Mari said...

I love how Dad wrapped Aidens gift. I bet there were lots of laughs!
Glad you got to see Jean and Dick and hopefully soon you can go to her house.
The bear is the best!

Laurel Wood said...

Aidan has grown so much! Looks like a great birthday celebration. Happy that your sis could visit, too. I love that BIG bear! lol

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

Looks like a fun birthday all around and that Bear does it all!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Belated Happy Birthday wishes to your grandson, Aiden. What a great choice of gift for a youngster who enjoys reading. I know how easy it is to download library e-books on mine. Nice that family could gather joyously to help in the celebration. Glad your sister and her husband also visited your home. There's nothing like seeing loved ones in person. Mr Bear looks very comfy by that coffee maker and if only he would pour!

Theresa said...

We are following the rules here too! It is nice to see loved ones, even at a distance and outside:) We are just doing what we can and praying for normal times again! That bear is too cute doing so many things around your home! Happy Birthday Aidan, what a great gift even if he had to work to get it open! Enjoy your day dear Doris, HUGS!