Friday, April 24, 2020

Memories and Happenings


They seem even more precious in these days of social distancing.

On this date a year ago....

Noah and I enjoyed a strawberry sundae at
our cute 50's  
themed Dairy Queen 
near our house.

Doesn't that look SO good??

Ellen is waiting to go there as soon as possible!
(and a whole list of other places too ☺)

In 2016 this was happening in our backyard....

We live with three of them 
and 3 of them I've only seen from a distance twice since this all started.

My heart hurts terribly.
I desperately miss my whole bunch!



We are doing well.
When you live with 7 other people you cannot get bored.

Noah and Pop Pop worked to build a bird feeder.
He is as proud as punch!

Then we needed bird seed.
I told him we could get it at Lowe's
but didn't know when we would get there, unfortunately.

The next day I went to pick up a small grocery order
and he came to my van as soon as I pulled into the garage,
fully expecting me to have brought home bird seed.

Oh dear, I didn't have that!

But mommy was on it...
she had already ordered from Amazon...

It came yesterday!!

They filled it and hung it...
trying to keep it from the squirrels.
Not certain the birds will like going there but we will see.
As you can see, he also painted it!

Calling all the birds to come get it!
He is a delight  ♥


Ellen started virtual classes from Lighthouse
where she works.

She's taking Bible study, exercise, and book club.

She has a schedule again!
So good.


I posted this picture on FB...
even the animals are longing for warmer weather!

It's still really chilly, mostly cloudy, and rainy.

Waiting for porch sitting weather!

Take care, stay well!
We are mostly in....
Longing to be out, hehe.


wisps of words said...

Delightful photos!!!

I saw a comment by you, elsewhere... That you had let your hair go gray.

Me too!!!! Years ago!!!! And I like it.

Hope some of those have-to-dye-hair-ladies, will rethink this, and maybe decide, to find OUR freedom! -smile-

We have to open soon!

NanaDiana said...

I am glad you have some family living with you. You will have a lifetime of precious moments from this isolated point in time.
Blessings to you-praying this is over soon. Stay Safe-xo Diana

Mari said...

Glad you get to see some of your family all the time, but it's so hard not to see the others.
I love your bears in the window.
Doing the bird house looks like a fun thing!

Mary Ellen said...

So good to hear from you and see pictures of your family. I too wait for warmer weather. I hope the birds soon find your bird feeded and bird house. I enjoy seeing the birds at our feeder, but right now it is the big black birds that come and eat the food, once they are gone we will put out sunflower seeds for the cardinals, etc.
I hope soon you can visit with your children and grandchildren. It feels long now.
Mary Ellen

Theresa said...

Lucky you having PEOPLE in your house! It sure is lonesome around here. I hope you get some nice weather soon and that the birds will be flocking to the feeder. I know you miss the rest of your family, hopefully we can get things back to normal before too long, PRAYING! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Sandi said...

Wonderful photos!

The reunion will be sweet.

Jean said...

I love that bird feeder project. And Noah standing there waiting for them to come is the cutest thing ever. Sam has one and they have so many bird stories.

I really love all the activities Ellen has through Lighthouse.

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

We are both blessed to have people in our homes and you are right, it is never dull. What fun making the bird feeder and hope the birds enjoy it as well. Noah is so cute. Hope your Sunday is a good day.

Karen said...


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

That birdhouse that Dale and Noah made turned out well and it was so cute to see him waiting for the birds to come and find the seed. yes that sundae looked delicious...soon once again!

Cindy said...

Sweet bird house, "Dinner's ready! Come and get it!" I love his heart, so precious. I'm definitely ready for a string of warm, sunny days. I hope these stay-at-home orders are lifted soon! Be safe, try to stay sane! :)

Laurel Wood said...

Noah is so cute and he should be very proud of the bird feeder. So happy for Ellen and her new schedule. It's been cool/windy here too for this time of year. I know you long to be out on the porch soon! xo