Wednesday, April 29, 2020

What's Happening.... not much!

Just a quick post 
to let you know we are still kicking....

Waiting for those lilacs to bloom!

I will have two blooms this year....yay!
They survived the very cold nights and I am thankful!

Moved the bird feeder to the tree.....
so far no success stories
but still hopeful!!

This tree has blooms....
don't remember that from previous years!

Yesterdays lunch....
it wasn't a salad!

I made an omelet,
broccoli, peppers, onion, cheese.
It was amazing!
And Ezekiel bread....a bread that agrees with me.
A loaf lasts a long time because I eat so little bread!

I eat a salad everyday so this was a nice change.
Back to salad today....

I painted my toe nails...
I shouldn't show you because I'm terrible at it.

I tried.
In need of a pedi but that will not be happening.

Ellen has been asking to watch food shows with me in the evenings.
Another sweet occurrence because of all the social distancing
and not going places.


She wants to watch them in my we do!
She laughs and talks throughout the shows
just like she does while watching in her bedroom ☺

Last Saturday evening we watched Pollyanna.
Love those old shows.
She remembers watching it a lot when she was younger:
on VHS, of course ☺

It's partly cloudy today but is to get warmer, high 60's!
Lots of rain tomorrow.

Take care!
Stay well!
Pray big!


wisps of words said...

Enjoying the Beauty of blooming, in spring!!!

That lunch still had some salad in it!!!!

Never had a pedi. Or a manicure! Really!!!! -grin-

Watching these shows with her! Another Found Joy, in this time of Pain.

And rain is good for growing things. -smile-

Nice post! How about another one, tomorrow???? >,-)

Yes, I am the "Queen Of Frequent Posting During this Missssserable Time!" What can it hurt???? ,-)

Find Beauty
In This Time
Of Pain...

Mary Ellen said...

Your egg omelet looks delicious.
Less wind with warmer temperatures would be a help to me. The wind makes me want to stay inside and just watch the trees waving. Mary Ellen

Karen said...


Mari said...

It's really looking like Spring there. It's getting greener here too. We had 4 inches of rain in the last 24 hours, so now things should really be green. :)
Sounds like fun times with Ellen.

Jean said...

After I saw your lilacs I decided today to walk down to the street that had such lush lilacs several years ago. What a disappointment. I couldn't decide if they had buds that had not yet bloomed, or what. They were so straggly I wasn't even sure if they were lilac trees. I'll have to send you the pics.

I love that Ellen likes to watch things with you. I used to love watching movies with Destiny and I really miss that. We always liked the same things.

Theresa said...

We had SO much rain yesterday and overnight but the sun is shining this morning! Your meal looks so yummy! I need to take my socks off and do something with my toes, sigh:) We are SO ready to be out of the house but staying safe is the most important thing to do. Our state is lifting restrictions after today for most but not our age-group. Enjoy your day dear Doris. HUGS!

Laurel Wood said...

I love lilacs. So happy you will have two sweet blooms to enjoy. I almost always watch HGTV or cooking shows. Glad you and Ellen have fun times watching together. That lunch looks so good. Nice to have something a little different. God bless you all. xoxo

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Lots of rain here as well, earlier in the week and now ending it out. Thank goodness May is here in a day and hopefully will bring warm weather. My childhood home had several lilac trees in the yard when I was growing up and I have always liked the fragrance and purple is my favorite color and also my birthstone color (amethyst). We are enjoying vintage B&W films nightly.

Laurel Wood said...

just a quick note to say I have opened up my blog if you have time to visit. xoxo