Monday, April 20, 2020

Signs of Spring

Signs of spring
even though it's been SO chilly around here!

At least it's in the 50's today.
We've had a lot of 40's lately.
I'm waiting for 70's ☺

It amazes me that things will actually bloom even when it's rarely sunny or warm!

These are probably sticking around longer because of the cool weather!

Our little dogwood tree....
it's trying!

Azalea's trying too!

And favorite!
(even though it looks like 1 bloom is all it will produce.)

I was so afraid it wouldn't
 make it through some of the very cold nights we've had.

Zoe worked with Pop Pop to make a birdhouse
from a kit.
Now she's painting it!

Ellen is happiest when she can go for several walks a day.

God Bless your day!


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You arfe lucky in that you have some blooms now, Doris. We have some trees along main street and I have seen a few flowers like rhododendrons in bloom, but the trees are being very slow. Like Ellen, we are all happier when we can get out for a walk!

Jean said...

Beautiful Spring flowers! And now I need to go for s as walk! I’m looking for 70’s too!!!!

NanaDiana said...

I am so jealous. Even our grass has not greened up here yet. Lilacs are my favorite bush flower and I will miss my lilac bushes from my old house. Everything looks lovely. Bleeding hearts were one of my mother's favorites. xo Diana

Mari said...

Spring is looking lovely there! None of those things is blooming here yet, but it's getting there!

Theresa said...

Beauty ALL AROUND! Love the blooms and the gorgeous GREEN! Enjoy your day dear friend, hope the weather warms up for you to have some porch sitting! HUGS!

Cindy said...

Your tulips are beautiful. I have planted tulips for years and then one year they were all dug up, not one left! Same with my sunflowers. :( This year I'm trying again but putting chicken wire on the ground to keep the critters out. I love that picture of the neighborhood! Just gorgeous!