Thursday, April 16, 2020

Easter 2020

It was a good Easter.

Since we don't have anywhere to go these days
we have a slower start to our days, Sunday's included.

But Ellen was up, dressed, and ready to hunt
her Easter basket!

I hid it in our downstairs living room this year.

Found it!
(sorry, not a good picture)

She had fun seeing what all was in it.
(wasn't as full as usual!)

We 'attended' church online
then it was time for the Grands that we live with
to find their Easter bags.

Their hunt was a scavenger hunt!

Their hunt took them all over the house...
Found their bags on the front porch ☺

We ate our dinner around 4:00

It wasn't a huge spread but it was delicious!

Somewhere in the day the kids did an Easter egg hunt.
Can't quite remember if it was before or after dinner ☺

Took a lot of pictures
but here are a few!

They had a lot of fun!

Cutie pies ♥

Egg painting too!

Artists at work!

It was a really good day!


In other news.....
a tree branch came down Monday morning.

It wasn't real big.
It did land on a house.

But not on the big house!

It did some damage, sadly.

But it's nothing that's not fixable!

We just had someone here to look at a few trees. 
Guess it's time to take some down!


We got a grocery order on Tuesday from Wegman's.

Was a big one,
delivered through Instacart. 

We got almost everything we wanted this time!

Wiping everything off before bringing it into the house
is our routine.

Is it overkill?
Who knows.

Anybody else getting a little itchy to have this over yet??


Had a med check with my Dr on Tuesday morning.
Via a phone call.

At least I didn't need to stand on a scales, hahaha!

(a bright side ☺)


Tulips are blooming.

So are these pretty blue flowers that my sister gave us last year!

Empty pots =(

Put the hyacinth in front of the pot 
to bring something to the emptiness!

It's been really chilly this week.
Today it didn't make it out of the 40's!
Where is spring??

Think I'll go get another piece of chocolate ☺
Maybe not.

Hang in there, everyone!
This can't last forever, can it??

Lord, hear our cries. 


Mari said...

Looks like it was a nice Easter, and the kids had fun!
It's been very cold here too - even got snow yesterday!

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

Glad you had a nice Easter even though it was definitely different than the usual. Enjoyed all the pictures. We just got over the tornado and thankfully came out without any damage like so many others had.

Theresa said...

Looks like a great Easter! Things are different these days but it can't last forever. I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, optimistic is my middle name:) Hope you all have a wonderfully blessed day! HUGS!

Jean said...

Oh dear, I think I missed this wonderful post. Must have been too busy, I guess! What a joke. Loved all your pics. Yes, as always, Spring is having a hard time making up its mind whether to stay or not. We have the s word in our forecast for tomorrow again. But May and June will come. Just not sure if that means we will be able to do all the fun things we normally do though. Yes, Lord hear our cries!!!!!