Friday, December 6, 2019

Christmas is coming....

Merry Christmas!

I do love this time of year.
It's crazy busy,
though sometimes I wish it wasn't so busy.

There are shows to attend...

A Children's Christmas Carol 
at Susquehanna Stage.
(Aidan and Zoe are in it)

The Nutcracker by Adagio Dance Academy
Zoe is Clara this year!

Other things on the agenda...
A birthday party tomorrow,
a Christmas party with friends next weekend,
cookie baking with the Grands and adults that want to help the weekend after that,
another birthday celebration for a 2 yr old is coming up too...

Normal December busy!

Decorating is happening as I can get it done.
Boxes and tubs are scattered about and continue to be in the way. 

Little by little
it will get done!

I shop online.
Then I return some of the stuff I purchased.

I will need to do some shopping in stores.
I do love to shop!!

you knew there would be some!

One of my favorites.
Avon collectible Nativity...
mostly from the 80's.

We have a tree!

Today this little sweetheart and I had some time to spend together.
I had a return (☺)
and an order to pick up at the mall.

This was going to be our little secret....
we may have shared a treat....

Oh we did,
a gluten free cupcake!
She said it was the best ♥

We had a great time.
I love the one-on-one time I have with the kids I live with.
We laugh a lot....they are such great kids!

Would love to have one-on-one time with all my Grands.

This was Monday, more fun with this sweet kid...

She said she has the Christmas spirit ♥

Thought I'd show you some of the things from my kids 
that I want to frame and hang under the new shelf.
Guess I should show you the completed shelf too...
another time!

Top left - a painting by Ellen, maybe in first grade.
Top right - drawling by Gina
Bottom left - written by Corey, not sure the grade
Bottom right - Ellen's hand print

I have a painting by Kim that she did in high school that I will hang.
Need something by Greta and Marcy yet to complete  the wall.

Will also hang this...

An aerial photo of our former home!

That's it for today.
I miss everyone when I'm too busy to read blogs.

Just wait till the long cold months to come...
I'll have time to twiddle my thumbs =))


Jean said...

I LOVE your tree!! Mine is up with just lights on it so far. Hopefully tomorrow I will have time to get more decorating done here.

I don't think I have ever seen the aerial picture of the White Oak house!! I love it!

Deb J. in Utah said...

What a fun December you are having! I love your tree. Have a great week.

Theresa said...

Yes, it is busy and I too wish it wasn't. I have most of my decorations up and steady wrapping presents. The Christmas Spirit is contagious, isn't it!
It is going to be another beautiful day and we have so much to be thankful for. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Kathy said...

It just doesn't feel like Christmas to me. Maybe when I get some decorations up. But I am busy and sick so that isn't happening very quickly. I really wanted to get out to Lancaster to go shopping at the outlets but that doesn't look like it is going to happen any time soon. When I am feeling better I will email you and we will meet for lunch. That would be fun!

Mari said...

Looks like a fun day with your sweet granddaughter. :)
Your house looks lovely and I also love the photo of the old house.

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

Your Christmas tree is so pretty. At this time of the year, it is hard enough to get everything done, much less read and reply to blogs. We all have that problem I think, but will play catch up after the first of the year.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

We are also busy with lots of holiday events this week, including several musical performances and a social at the mill apts. Also, setting up the winter village that will stay up past the holidays, card writing, watching holiday films and spending time with friends.

Karen said...