Remember me??
Been a bit silent this week...
and not because I wanted to!
I've been having picture issues.
They will not load onto the computer from my phone.
Oh how I tried. And tried.
So, I'm doing this a round about way to get them here.
Hope this works.
We have been having some amazing sunsets recently.
I happened to catch this one yesterday as Zoe and I were leaving a craft fair
at St. Ann's Retirement Community.
Zoe was watching the squirrel....
do you see it?
On Monday Ellen and I did some shopping.
First stop, Hobby Lobby.
Are you a fan?
I do love that store...
But I get SO overwhelmed!!!
This is the reason for going there....
I've been looking for lanterns to put on the mantle.
I liked this one.
It was 50% off!
Sent this picture to Christy for her opinion.
Two went into my cart.
I was also looking for shelf brackets
and was texting pictures to my hubby for his opinion.
Two went into my cart....
no, one did because he wasn't sure if they were right
so I just got just one to show him.
I'll get to the rest of that story in a bit.
I also saw this and liked it...
But at $50+ I knew that hubby would say he could have made that
for a lot less ☺
And he could!
It did not go into my cart.
(But I still really like it)
We started just browsing.
So much neat stuff!
If there is anything that has to do with cats, Ellen will find it!
She loved this!
Tons of fun storage options...
Oh so cute!!
Ellen saw the picture of the cow
and thought Noah would like it ☺
I thought this one was adorable!
Ahh, I'll take these for my future beach house, wink, wink!
I get it all done in a day now
but when my kids were young and I was working full time,
a whole different story!
Totally cute!
Ellen was starving so we went to Panera Bread,
a favorite of her's.
She had soup and sandwich and I had soup.
I resisted getting a chai tea latte..
I like them best at Panera.
Also drove right by Starbucks....
tough but I did it!
Next stop....
The Home Store!
This big fella could be yours for only
I saw these....
and I was sure Christy would love them.
But I already bought lanterns.
Took a picture to show her.
Ellen said her sister Greta would like this tree!
I thought Christy would love this one!
Mom, look!
She loves Olaf!
An upside down tree is just plain wrong!!
I just can't imagine why anyone would want one....
that's my opinion ☺
Theresa, I thought of you when I saw these ♥
Now back to the brackets....
remember that I bought one.
We left to have lunch and I saw a text
that said to get two!
Ok, so back to Hobby Lobby I went to get another one!
Parera is just around the corner so all was well.
But we decided,
after I decided how long I wanted the shelf,
what we really needed was 4.
So, on Wednesday I went back for 2 more.
And now the shelf is hung....
and waiting to be filled with my treasures ♥
And I returned these..
I put them on the mantle
and they just weren't right.
Love them but not for our family room.
Would have looked good in my little basement living room
but I really don't need anything more!
I went to The Home store and got these...
And they are perfect!!
I'll show a picture of them in place after I get some styling done.
It takes forever to accomplish anything these days!
So a blog post is finished....
a long way around to posting pictures but it worked.
Lots more happening around here but I'll save that for another time.
God Bess your weekend!
Looks like you and Ellen had a fun shopping day. I look forward to seeing your finished mantle. The shelf is great; I would love to have one just like to display some fragile items. (my cats would find a way, though!) Sending hugs and love to you and yours.
I like hobby lobby...and oh yes it is over load going in there. I do not go as much as I did ten years ago. I like the lanterns. I used to buy lots of fake flowers for the vases on head stones of family. Ellen is cute as can be shopping. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie
Beautiful sunset! And I see the squirrel. :)
I was at Hobby Lobby and The Home Store this week too. I love Hob Lob!
The shelf looks good.
I have never been to either Hobby Lobby or the Home Store. Just none around here. They look like great places though. I have never been to Panera either. You live in a different world even though we are just 60 miles away from each other. Pink Christmas trees are the fashion this year. I like them but Joe says no way. Originally trees were hung upside down from the ceiling in houses. About 400 years ago they were put on the floor right side up. Now people want them on their ceilings again. Go figure. That's my useless trivia for today.
I feel my shopping is done just by seeing your post!! I've long felt that if Hobby Lobby doesn't have it, you don't need it!!
Oh HOBBY LOBBY gets me every time:) I really love roaming around in there and I never leave without buying something. Look at you thinking about me when you saw the nutcrackers. They will be marching down the attic steps soon:) The trees are SO pretty, it is tempting to buy a new one but we will just use the old one. I hope you have a marvelous day my friend, HUGS!
Thanks for the shopping tour, Doris, and the photos of the things you bought and didn't buy or bought and returned (who hasn't done that?) Hope the issue of uploading photos is resolved soon, but your workaround worked OK.
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