Friday, November 22, 2019

A Little Bit of This....

...and a little bit of that.

* Last Saturday found us on a Farm Tour!

The Kreider Farms Tour!
We got on a small bus which took us around the Manheim area. 

Neat, isn't it?

Our tour guide was Ada.
She and her husband coached the soccer team that our 
two oldest daughters were on a long time ago.
She also was an aide at the school
 another daughter went to.

We were so thrilled to see her again!

Ada was a wonderful tour guide!

We drove on back country roads,
all familiar to us because we used to live around there! 

This is a huge manure pit next to the cow barns!

Cows on both sides of the barn.

We drove right through this barn!

Then we got to see the milking operation...

 A sea of black and white!

This is where each of those cows were heading!

My family watching the milking...
my sister, Mary Ellen, came with us.

Some pictures hanging in the observation area.

This was next on the agenda...

Up they climb....

Up and around
on this very cold and windy day!

That's Ellen looking over the railing!

At least it was a pretty day!

Dale took the next few pictures at the top of the tower.

She was loving this,
something she had wanted to do for so long!

The chicken farm.

Doe Run Elementary School

Aidan loved it too!

Zoe too!

Our son, Corey, and his sons ♥

I spy Ellen =)

Zoe enjoyed the play area after her walk up the tower.

Some Kreider Farm history....
my history with the Kreider family.

When Corey was a little guy I was a waitress at their restaurant
for one school year.
(They no longer have the restaurant)
That job was hard!
It was not my favorite.

Before Ellen was born I worked at their Dairy Store
for about 3 years.
(the dairy store is no longer either)

I worked in the deli and sliced a lot of meat and cheese!

I left that job when I was pregnant with Ellen.

Dale did a lot of repairs and remodeling for the Kreider family homes.
They used the company he worked for.

We had a great time on this tour
and want to do it again sometime!

* We did a lot of carpet cleaning this week!

Amazing how good they look.
They were really dirty :-o

Dale did the  basement stairs.
And the sofas and some chairs!

We rented  a cleaner from Weis Markets
and used Young Living Thieves Household cleaner.
Thieves cleaner is what I use for everything.
It's amazing stuff!

* I've been working on my new shelf.

I am not done....I'll get it together eventually.

This part is going to get a redo,
so I decided  =)
I'm taking some stuff from other areas
and putting some of this in those places!

Yes, it's confusing ☺

I was really having fun!

Dishes and dolls.

It will be next week till I get to this again...
I have two little boys coming tomorrow.
Toby and Carson, can't wait to play
and read books ♥

* Look who visited our property last Sunday!!

A hunters dream right there!
No deer hunters in our bunch so he's safe if he sticks around.

* Today I went to daughter Marcy's house....

 to help her clean in prep for a family birthday party for Brinley on Sunday.
The party is to be a surprise but it's kind of hard to accomplish! 

Sadly, I didn't take any pictures of Cambrie.
What and adorable little girl.
She wanted so badly to go away with me.

*Look what Ellen made today.

Pumpkin Chocolate chip muffins.
They are SO good!!

* Living with kids.

It can be busy, whew, very busy!
It can be noisy, really noisy!

But mostly it's very sweet.

For example....
last night Noah came downstairs after I was in bed
to give me good night hugs and kisses.

Melt my heart, 
I was a puddle ♥

* Just heard my favorite Christmas commercial.

The Hershey Kiss'es playing,
We wish you a Merry Christmas!
Love it!

* Are you ready for Thanksgiving? 

I really cannot believe it's next week already.
But I'm certainly ready for some turkey and all the fixings!!

* Have you started Christmas shopping yet? 

I really love Christmas.
I love to shop.
But I do way more shopping online than I do in a store anymore.

I love to wrap gifts too...
and I should start with what I have so far!

We don't buy a lot of gifts.
We are so blessed  
and things, more stuff,
is not needed!!!

Thanking God for my many blessings.
Life has not been perfect or always easy.
Not by a long shot.
But blessed I am!

Happy Thanksgiving, my friends!


Laurel Wood said...

The farm tour looks like a lot of fun! That's a great photo of Ellen looking over the rail! Ellen's muffins look delicious! Carpet cleaning is quite a job. Thx for recommending a good cleaner. I wish you all a blessed Thanksgiving. xo

Theresa said...

I agree with Mildred, that farm tour looks like loads of fun. ALL of those cows going to give milk, WOW! Ellen's smile says she is having fun whatever she is doing and I love seeing her smile! You have really been doing a lot. My carpet needs cleaning really bad in our family room. Perhaps soon, I can sneak that on Marc's to-do list:) Rearranging shelves can be a never ending job, keep up the good work. It is looking great! Enjoy your day dear Doris, I know you will! HUGS!

Kathy said...

I love that farm tour and I can tell by Ellen's face that she loved it too. That is something I have never done. You have been so busy. I can't keep up with you. I love Thanksgiving too and I wait until it is over to do Christmas stuff -- although I do have a couple of gifts bought already.

Susie said...

Looks like a fun time. Ellen seems to always be up for an adventure. Bless her heart. Your family is so cute. Oh honey, I have had hard jobs I hated...but gave it my best. Can you even believe Thanksgiving is so near? Blessings to you and your family, enjoy your gathering day. xoxo, Susie

Mari said...

I love the bus on the farm tour! I grew up on a farm and am amazed at the technology they use now.
The deer is just beautiful!
I'm loving your shelf and all the vintage items on it.

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

How do you do all you do and stay sane? lol The farm tour looked like fun; love the muffins Ellen made and your shelf is fun. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

What a great farm tour and going right through the barn too! Thanks for taking us along through the photos, Doris. I would not have wanted to climb that tower on a windy and cold day. There always seems more to do before the holidays and I don't start shopping, card writing or anything associated with Christmas until after Tanksgiving, just tradition, but it's too bad that Thanksgiving is so late this year

Karen said...

Enjoyed your photos! Have a very nice Thanksgiving.