Wednesday, October 23, 2019


I have about an hour....let's see where this goes =))

I see I need to get the newest pictures on the computer,
so this is what you get today!

The Walton's!!
I loved that show
and recently I watched two special
 Thanksgiving episodes.

Remember these folks?

Ike and Corabeth

The beloved Baldwin sisters -
Emily and Mamie ♥
John holding the recipe ☺☺
And the actor who played the role of John Boy later in the series.
I preferred the original actor, Richard Thomas.

Remember this guy?
Yancy Tucker!
Do you remember the chickens living in his house?
(maybe some other animals too)
What a character!

Beloved Grandma ♥
I loved her sass!

The family and friends around the table.
This was my dream....
a big bunch of loved ones gathered around our table....
that dream has come true for me!

Notice the empty place....
always a place set for Grandpa.
Never forgotten ♥
What a wonderful man he was!

Prayer, holding hands,
Love it!

Elizabeth beside Grandma.

The last scene, always,
the Goodnights ♥

There you have it.....
now wasn't that a different post today?

Thanks for reminiscing with me!

Wasn't planning this so many of the pictures weren't cropped or fixed up.

Guess that's ok once in awhile.

I'll leave you with a look back....

Pumpkins ready for the big day.

Also 2015....
Baby Noah and little Zoe!

Have a great day!


Susie said...

Doris, Ted and I love watching the Walton's. now..because it was simpler times in our lives..not the show's characters lives but ours as young people ,when it was a good show to watch. This past Sunday, my daughter had a gathering brunch, so we could meet family members of my grandson's new wife. We always form a circle and hold hands to say grace. I got to hold the hand of my brand new great grandson...he was 4 days old. :):) I am blessed. Blessings to you and yours, xoxo, Susie

Mari said...

Such a fun post! I loved the Waltons and it was so fun to bring back some memories.
My office is on a hall with other offices and the PT room. Late afternoon, they shut the door to the hallway and turn off the lights to keep confused residents from wandering when not much staff is there. Something about the dark and quiet makes people call out, down the hall when they're leaving - "good-night John boy!" I think everyone remembers that line!

Laurel Wood said...

My mother adored the Walton's tv show. She never missed an episode. She was an orphan and I know she loved their big family and love. When she and John and I shared a home after daddy died, we would do the "good night John, Mildred and Peggy" every night!!!

Sweet photos of Zoe and Noah, boy, have they grown!

Love you guys.

Jean said...

Oh how I loved the Waltons!! Especially the grandparents and those goodnights. The year that we lived in Anthony and Lori's basement we often did goodnights via text messages just to be funny.

That picture of baby Noah!! He really looks just like now only tinier. Of course Zoe was and is always an adorable sweetheart.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks for the look back and a trip down memory lane with The Waltons, Doris. I also enjoyed watching this show and while I know that reruns are available, I've never re-watched them. Another favorite was Little House on the Prairie and I'm sure that might have been on your watch list as well.