Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Sister Weekend 2019

It certainly is time, past time, for an update. Today I'm going to focus on my recent sister weekend in the State College, PA area where my sister Jean lives.

Beware....lots of pictures are coming! I'm posting lots because some family will want to see them. If you aren't interested, I will not be offended if you skip this post.

Mary Ellen picked me up around 9:30 last Friday morning for our trip north. We've been doing these yearly weekend trips for quite a few years now. We always have the best time!!

We arrived at Jeanie's house, several hours later and hungry ☺

To the wonderful little Sowers Harvest Cafe
we went.
We filled our grumbling stomachs with wonderful
They have gluten free!

This will always be a favorite stop for me in State College!

Across from where we were parked were 
these beautiful flowers.

I love roses.....
any and all roses!

I do believe I forgot to say that it was perfect weather,
something that has been missing for most of our sister weekends in the past.

Next, we took a drive to Stauffer Acres,
the beautiful property owned by Jeanie's son.

After a tour of the renovated barn where Anthony 
does his business,
we gloried in the great outdoors.
This is the most beautiful property!

We just missed the beauty of the many rhododendrons that are all around the house and pond.
But still lots of beauty anyway.

Brave Mary Ellen tried this swing!!
She loved it!

Then Austin demonstrated how it can be really fun ☺

We sat and chatted...

......while Austin looked for frogs in the pond.

Showed it to us and then let it jump back in.
Look closely for the leaping frog!

Back to the house for some time on their lovely porch.

Awesome view!!

We rested and it felt good to these old(er) ladies ☺

Mary Ellen thought it was a good idea
 to take my picture in front of one of the few blooming
rhododendron bushes.
Did I think that if I close my eyes you won't be able to see me?? hehe

Back to Jean's home, after a stop at Wegman's, 
where she made a wonderful dinner for us.

The weekend was only beginning and we were already having a blast!

We watched Mama Mia before going to bed around midnight... 
that's very late, for me anyway!!

Jeanie and Dick are keeping two grandcats right now.
I had to take pictures for Ellen!

We had a leisurely Saturday morning.
Jeanie made us a bacon, egg, and hashbrown skillet breakfast.

Then to the Arboretum!
It was a beautiful day.

It wasn't college graduation weekend....
It wasn't high school prom....
The sun was shining, not raining....
It was warm, not freezing cold....
It was a perfect afternoon for enjoying the gardens!

Yay!! (finally!)

The most beautiful place to relax!

Jeanie did ☺

I love iris's!

These were so interesting with the red and yellow flower on the same stem.

 I love roses!

Beautiful lily pond.

 With a duck....I guess it was real.

The next several pictures are taken in the children's area.

Always the music teacher ☺

Little fairy garden.
How cute!

Hello there, big guy!

Out in the larger gardens again....

This interesting pot of succulents was donated by....

The Witmer family!
How nice.

We are the Witmer family
but we don't know these folks ;-)

The lovely fountain.

Beyond the fountain is a boardwalk through these 
marsh lands....
I guess that's what it is.
Anyway, we always walk down there to sit on a bench
and chat.
Sometimes we try to solve the world's problems during those chats☺☺☺

We attempted a selfie but it wasn't the best so I won't post it.


I'll post this one that we asked a nice lady to take of us.

Later she asked if one of us would take a picture of her and her friend at the fountain.
Just the way it should be!

Mary Ellen in front of the large rose bush.

One last picture at the arboretum....

I didn't think that magnolias could grow in PA....
I was wrong!

This tree was nearing the end of blooming.
There was a bud and an almost dead flower
that I could reach.
A nicer flower was higher in the tree...
wasn't going after that one!!

What else do you do in State College on a warm day
when you are a little hot and not hungry enough for a meal?

Ice Cream at the 
Berkey Creamery!!

Peachy Patterno is the one I always get.
Soooo good.

We found a table outdoors to enjoy our ice cream.

The back to the house for the evening.

We decided to sit on her little side porch.

We ate fruit and hummus and chips.

Just delightful!

We usually have our coffee out there on a Sunday morning,
that is if it's decent weather,

Good thing we didn't wait for Sunday....

Black clouds were threatening some rainy weather.

It did rain later and more on Sunday morning. 
With the rain came cooler temps too.

But first....
A burst of sun through the clouds.
I love a pretty sky!

We tried to watch a movie again but we were all too tired.
Bed felt good.

Sunday morning we went to two church services.
Jeanie is choir director/music director at a small UM church near their home.
The church is so beautiful and I wish I had remembered to take a picture.
The people are so friendly and 
everyone  expressed appreciation of our sister and her hubby.
They are very involved in this congregation.

Then to a larger church where Jeanie and Dick 
have no responsibilities.
They go and absorb.

I enjoyed every part of the service.

Calvary church

What kid wouldn't enjoy this??
A climbing, sliding place like Chic-fil-A!
There is a nice large lobby for meeting people and chatting.

View from the church.

Jeanie, Doris, Mary Ellen

Just three of us....
but all 7 (6 sisters, 1 brother) will be together in July.
I. Cannot. Wait!!

We had lunch at a wonderful Mexican Restaurant
with Anthony, Lori and their boys.

Perfect way to end our time in State College!
(Guess Dick took the picture...he's not in it!)

Beautiful Lori and the boys.

Beautiful family!

Back to the house to pack our things, rest a bit,
then hit the road back to Lancaster.

Another fabulous sister weekend in our memory bank!


Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

Looks and sounds wonderful.

Vintage Girl 901 said...

Awesome! I enjoyed the trip. Absolutely beautiful. We have a family reunion in GA this weekend. Photos will follow.

Mari said...

I'm so happy that for once you girls had good weather on your sister weekend. I'm just back from my sisters get away and we also had such fun and good weather.
I love the pics!

Theresa said...

Oh what a beautiful time and memories made! Your pictures are AWESOME! Great job on making a collection of photos to remember this weekend with your Sisters! I know you will look forward to July for more family fun! Have a blessed day dear Doris, HUGS!

Laurel Wood said...

What a blessing to have had mild weather this year! Your photos are exceptional. I just love seeing all the flowers. I am partial to the cat pics too! I know this was a memorable trip and I'm so happy for you all. xo

Karen said...

The flowers were wonderful and the family photos are treasures. So glad you got to visit!

Jean said...

Sigh.... I wish this were last weekend.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Yes, Doris, thus was a long photo-filled post, but a fun one to see and read about the sisters reunion. You all share such fun together and that’s the way it should be with family get togethers🙂