Friday, May 24, 2019

New to Me

Since I'm no longer able to blog from my phone I've been looking for a desk. Working from my laptop from my lap is not working for me. Kinda funny isn't it? Dale thought he would make me one then he got really busy with projects for other people. So I kept looking and trying to decide what I wanted. Did I want something an enamel topped table, or an old desk to refinish or paint. Did I want something new. Or used but more modern. I changed my mind a million times. I love old but my space is limited. And if something needed refinished hubby didn't have time for that right now either.

Yesterday I saw a desk on the FB marketplace site that was almost new, was a smaller size which would work. It was still available and was located not far from our home.....another deciding factor for me. Checked it out with the hubby and we decided to go for it!


It's not old but that's just fine.
I have lots of other old stuff ☺

I borrowed Ellen's desk chair....
I'll give it back.
We have more of those old chairs....
I'll have hubby paint one for me.

Wasn't sure if I was going to keep it in this location 
but I'm liking it.

Marcy and Scott, 

recognize this cute townhouse?

Yes the desk was being sold by someone in your old neighborhood
and Ellen and I could not resist going by.
I needed to take a picture, of course!


Jean said...

Perfect! I use my phone for almost everything. But for blogging I need my desk and computer.

Kathy said...

I like that little desk. It looks perfect. I can't do a blog post on my phone. I always use my laptop. But I don't hold it on my lap either. LOL.

Laurel Wood said...

That is a cute desk. I love it. I have sold many things on FB marketplace but have not bought is so tight here! It's always nice to see where blog friends "work from." Happy weekend. xo

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

Just the right size and love it! You will enjoy doing your blog, etc there.

Mari said...

What a great find! It's perfect in that spot.