Saturday, May 18, 2019

More Outdoor Beauty

More flowers, more pretty.....I love a nice Spring day!

Rhododendron beauty
right outside the living room window!

The placement of these beauties,
by someone who lived here before us,
certainly knew what they were doing!

I'm kinda crazy about them.....
can you tell?? ☺

Behind the house
these ferns are trying to take over.

The empty pots...

Are now filled!
Hope they grow big and full.

One of the bird nests around the yard.
This one is under the deck next to the porch swing.

Not sure the bird was in it when I took the picture.
It was there yesterday.

After some really cold and rainy days,
I'm very thankful for sun and warmth!

Blue skies days are my favorite!

Finally spending more time out here....
my favorite spot!

This kid is always on the go!
He loves the outdoors.

It's a beautiful day, get outside and enjoy it!


Laurel Wood said...

Hi Doris, It's so nice to see all the green from your beautiful porch. I love your blue planters, also. Your rhododendrons are gorgeous. Such a lovely home and yard for you and the grands to enjoy now that the weather is nice.

Kathy said...

Beautiful rhododendrons. No wonder you are in love with them. So nice to see green gardens and sunny skies.

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

The rhododendrons are so petty and I knew you would fill those pots. The fern is pretty too. That porch would be my favorite place too!

Theresa said...

Oh so pretty! I love those bright pink blooms. Watching little ones running around outside is a great way to spend a Spring day! Have a blessed Sunday dear Doris, HUGS!

Jean said...

I forgot that you have big rhododendrons outside your front window. They are such gorgeous spring flowers. I just wish they would stay all summer long!