Monday, January 15, 2018

Starting out my week the right way....

Starting out my week with some fun! Yes indeed, that is starting it right =) 

No school today because it's MLK day, parents working, Pop Pop working, Ellen busy with a special group Activity with Club 625. That meant it's a 'Nana spoils the grandkids' day! 

After taking Ellen to Ruby Tuesday where she was having lunch, we decided to get lunch too. Noah was terribly disappointed that we weren't staying to eat at Ruby Tuesday! Zoe mentioned going to Michael's to look for something she needed for a craft project.....that sounded like fun but I also needed some groceries and I wanted to go to Weis for them. They sell a certain brand of GF pasta that we really like and which I can't find anywhere else. Anyway, back to where should we go, it was decided we would eat at Wendy's and then go get groceries. Zoe needed buttons and I told her I had buttons she could look at and see if they would be ok. If not, we could stop at the Dollar store for some. Everyone was ok with my plan. 

Off to Wendy's we went. 

Enjoying some chicken nuggets and fries. 

Playing with the toy because she's finished eating. 

And he thought he could get away from my picture taking :) 

Of course we had Frosty's!

Oh so good!!

This time he posed, how sweet of him! 

We took our time eating. It's nice not to rush. 

Then it was off to Weis Markets. It was so cold today, a dampness in the air that cut right through you. Snow is surely coming! In fact a few flakes showed up on our way to the grocery. 

We took our time there too. Noah had to look at the lobsters.....didn't want to leave them! 

When nearly finished shopping we came across a big selection of stuffed animals. Now who in their right mind could pass this up?? 

Oh my, those puppies practically jumped into their arms!! 

They were so soft! 

Aidan found a dog that danced and played a song....

They thought it was so funny! 

Could barely pull them away but time was a-ticking. Was hoping to start dinner before I had to pick up Ellen again. On the menu for tonight was two kinds of soup....chicken corn and unstuffed cabbage. Had to cook some chicken and didn't have much time to do it since we took our good old time eating and shopping! 

I started cooking the chicken but knew I couldn't keep it cooking on the stove while being gone again. So I transferred it to a baking dish and popped it in the oven to finish! 

Ellen also saw a movie as part of her activity this afternoon so we picked her up at the theater. It's in the same shopping center as the restaurant. Again, poor Noah. He was SO disappointed that we weren't seeing a movie! 

Back home again for about an hour. I got one pot of soup almost finished before we needed to leave again to take Aidan to play practice. 

I also looked for the buttons I knew I had and I thought I knew right where they were. Oops, they weren't there! No idea where they got to and didn't have time for more than a quick look :(

I thought we could stop at the dollar store on the way home from taking Aidan but I forgot and Noah and Zoe fell asleep in the car anyway. 

Both pots of soup got finished, we was delicious...I cleaned up the dishes then decided to look for the buttons. Just couldn't imagine I'd throw them out even though I rarely did anything with them in 40+ years!! Some things you just hang on to, like buttons. 

Looked in a few new spots and some of the same ones I looked at earlier. Maybe I put the container in the cedar chest to get it out of the I started taking all the pictures and stuff off it. There's an old bird cage sitting on it too, as I lifted it.....there in the bird cage was an old glass jar holding the buttons!!! I put them in the jar for display. Yup, I even remember doing it now that I see it, hehe. 

Hope the rest of my week continues to bring adventure. Goodnight and God Bless! 


Jean said...

Sounds fun - and tiring!! Bless you!!

Too funny about the buttons! Yes, buttons are one of the things that need to be kept!

Anonymous said...

What is the gf pasta at Weis all of you like? Thanks!

Karen said...

That was a nice outing. Those stuffed animals would tempt me! It seems no matter what restaurant we went to, the kids always ordered chicken and fries.

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

You had a great adventure yesterday with the little ones. Glad the buttons appeared!!! Hope the rest of your week is as much fun.

Theresa said...

Sounds like the perfect way to spend the day:) I love eating at Wendy's! Happy that you found the buttons:) It is always nice to find something you spend hours looking for! Enjoy your day dear Doris, sending HUGS your way!