Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Beautiful September Day to Oh What a Rainy Day

Tuesday, September 5

As I sit here on my porch with my afternoon cup of pumpkin spice coffee (I drink it all year, not just in the fall), I hear the acorns falling all over the woods. Noah found some in the front yard and did the sign for grapes on his arm, too cute! I told him to throw them into the flower bed for the squirrels :) must be a bumper crop this year according to the noise of them falling!

It's been way too long since I posted anything. I keep waiting for me to not be so busy but that isn't happening. So, here's the random rundown of some of the things I've been up to....

Ellen finished another puzzle today! This one was a birthday gift from Greta, Lynn and Carson. Isn't it so fun to look at?!! 

On Sunday we gathered with my cousins and and the two living brothers of my mother, one aunt and my step mother who continues to be our connection even though there isn't any blood connection for her. They all love her just as much as we do and just as much as they loved our mother! 

Front row from the left:

Our step mother, Mary, Aunt Irene, Uncle Earl (gathering held at their beautiful home), Uncle Lloyd. The dog belongs to Earl and Irene....totally friendly and loves to be loved on by anyone! The man on the end is a friend of my cousin who is standing to the right in pink.  

I'm so grateful for this connection to my mother's family. We cherish our time together! 

Aunt Irene and our precious Mary (she will be 90 this week) cracking up and causing all of us to do the same. Love them!!

So it's now Wednesday September 6! I stopped to take Ellen to work yesterday but didn't have a moment to get back to it. After picking her up again I went to get a haircut. While there the skies became black and a fierce storm blew in....torrential rain, hail, thunder, lightening! We waited till it passed before heading home again. At home our street was a mess! Tons of ripped leaves and sticks littered to pavement. Today I learned that two houses down from us, a big tree blew down and just missed the next house!

Looks like some cleanup is in order :)

Today it rained all day. Ellen had a Dr appointment this morning then I headed to the outlets to Vanity Fare and QVC. Then to the Grocery Outlet and home to make dinner before taking Ellen to exercise. I ought to be doing laundry tonight....but I'm not. 

Brinley slept over at our house on Sunday with Brinley. Aidan went to her house for a sleepover with Paityn. 

Cousins having fun on Monday! It was a beautiful day. 

Ellen and I spent time with Gina. We had lunch, went to a thrift store and a grocery store.  It was a good day!

Saturday, September 2, was a very cold and rainy day. Ellen and her friends were to have a pool party at Elizabeth's house after cheering.......but the rain and temps in the 50's :((

We had fun anyway :)

The girls painted picture frames....

Ellen is finished painting her frame yellow and orange, of course!

Sarenah paints her's purple, of course!

Emily's is a beautiful light teal. 

We had lunch which included dessert....

Emily is taking the brownies but Ellen says, Not so fast, girlfriend :)

Elizabeth claims the peanut butter pie! 

After lunch we toured Elizabeth's family's new (to them) RV! What fun! The girls even got a ride. 

Terry directs the backing RV. As you can see, it's raining! 

Off they go! 

Fun afternoon even though it rained. 

Ellen's bedroom is getting a new look. She purchased a new mattress and bedspread. We don't have everything in place yet but here's a pic of the bedspread. 

The pink looks really nice....and there's a bit of yellow and orange in it too! 

That's it for today. Wishing you a restful night and a beautiful Thursday. 


Lady Jane said...

We have a lot of acorns here this year also. One of these days I think I am going to get beaned while walking, lol. Just reading about your days are making me tired. I bet you sleep good at nite. The picture of Mary and Aunt Irene made me laugh out loud, thanks for that... God Bless them. Hugs, LJ

Jean said...

Wow, you guys did get a storm yesterday!! We did too, but nothing like yours. Speaking of storms...... I am going to be so sad if Lisa's new house is destroyed before I ever have a chance to see it. I'm breathing prayers constantly for God to have mercy.

I love Ellen's comforter!

Doris said...

Ha, Lady Jane....I'm certain I'll get beaned one of these times!

Doris said...

Jeanie, I'm praying mercy for everyone in its path! Oh I hope Lisa's house will be ok!!

Karen said...

I admire Ellen's talent with puzzles. That is a beautiful one. I can never do puzzles. Enjoyed your pics and smiling faces. Praying for all affected by these storms.

Anonymous said...

I love the photo of Ellen and her new puzzle. Her new room will be so nice. Pretty colors in the comforter.
We've had some rain/thunder here and also, lots of acorns falling. I hope all of you are feeling well today. Hope you are able to enjoy the porch and coffee.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

That was quite a lot of catching up in a single post, Doris. We also had torrential downpours this week, It rained all day Sunday and again on Wednesday. It was a good day for making the tomato sauce and lasagna. Thank for your comment too.

Theresa said...

That picture of Irene and Mary made me smile:) Ellen is quite the puzzle pro! LOVE the family shot, so many sweet faces! Have a blessed day whatever you do! Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!