Friday, May 5, 2017


This will be a post full of I think of things to post. This could be interesting!

  • While everyone else in this house is eating ice cream, I'm having some freshly made baked oatmeal. What?? Yes I am. I love it and the sticky bun baked oatmeal I make is as good as dessert =)
  • Let me tell you about a little shop I visited last week.
It's called Pebbles & Lace.
It's the cutest little shop filled with so many lovelies.

I heard about this shop through blogging!
Becky at Hospitality Lane is responsible for the lovelies
along with her daughter and mother.

The cute hat is for Ellen.

That's not a bar of soap in the dish.....
it's a lotion bar!
I had never heard of anything like it.
This one has a lavender scent which I love. 
I've been using it everyday and I love this lotion bar!!

I also purchased some tea.
It's strawberry flavored and it's so good!

The shop is located in the town of Strasburg.
Check it out,
you'll be glad you did!

  • I really should be packing to go away but here I sit with the laptop computer. My sister, Mary Ellen, and I are going to my sister Jean's house in State College for the week end. We always have so much fun! The rest of my sisters will be coming in July for an all sibling weekend. Can't wait!!
  • It was pouring this morning and I needed to do some errands. Ugh. I don't enjoy rainy days, especially when I need to be out in it. At the mall I parked as close to a door as I could....Ellen and I made a run for it. How nice that it was only a drizzle when we left the mall and by the time I got to the bank it wasn't even raining! Much better.
  • Ellen has been working on a 1000 piece puzzle for weeks. A few weeks ago she seemed to have lost interest in it so I suggested putting it away and getting it out next year.....that did not sit well with her. She started really working on it again and....
Look at that....all finished!

It's a very pretty puzzle.
Guess we will call it a 999 piece puzzle 
as one piece seems to be missing!

Later she took it apart and is putting it back together again!
 What a girl!

  • Ellen isn't the only one playing baseball right now. Grandson Aidan is too. I got to see him play on Monday. 
Cute ball player ☺

Adorable....all three of them!

  • The kids had an early dismissal today. Zoe wanted me to watch a movie with her this afternoon. Couldn't turn it down!
Love this girl!
We watched E. T.

  • We are in for lots more rain, clouds, and cool weather. Guess I'll just have to be patient and wait for warmth again. Was really hoping for sun and warm temps this weekend since last year when we had a sister weekend it was so cold there was sleet!! And that was also in May. What's with these cold sister weekends in May??
Well, I have a bag to pack and some sleep to get. I'm sure I won't get much sleep tomorrow night! 

Wishing you all a lovely weekend!


Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

What fun you will have this weekend. Enjoy every minute. Ellen should put a sealer on the puzzle and frame it. My daughter did one and it is hanging in her livingroom right now. Happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo of Ellen with her colorful puzzle - great job! I love the pic of Aidan, Zoe and Noah too. I hope you will have a delightful sister time. We are hoping for sun too! xo
I love the shop you mentioned. I saw one of those lotion bars a few weeks ago - a neat idea!

Theresa said...

I wanna shop there:( I love your purchases! I have followed their blog for a long time and would love to stroll in and shop! Sweet pictures of Ellen with her puzzle and your little ball player! Have a blessed day dear Doris, HUGS!

Doris said...

Theresa, you come to PA and we will go together! What fun we would have :)

Jean said...

Your header picture is gorgeous!! And so is that puzzle of Ellen's. So glad she loves to do that.

And indeed, we did have a fun sister weekend and even some sleep too! So glad that you and Mary Ellen take the time out of your busy schedules each year to come up here.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Congrats to Ellen for completing that puzzle. We hardly ever do them here but at the local library there is a puzzle table set up so anyone can work at the current puzzle when there, a great idea.