A quick Hi! ....then off I go, again!!
Crazy week going here and there.
Tonight I take Ellen to her first Aaron's Acres activity. She will have fun at Cherry Crest farm while I 'shop' at the Lancaster Outlets.
Last evening I took her to a Bible Club, a new activity for her.
The evening before that, I had Women's group at church. Whew, I'm sleeping just fine at night because of all this activity....a good thing!!
It feels like summer around here. Our air conditioners are humming away again. So humid!!
Gotta go. I'll post more when I can......
Oh, tomorrow night Dale and I will attend my 40th class Reunion!! Kinda makes me feel old!!
OK, Doris, I will sleep ell too tonight cause I got tired out just reading about all YOU have been doing. Hope the 40th reunion is a fun event.
You and Ellen both are busy. Enjoy the reunion.
Oh girl, you are busy! KEEPS us young, that's what I say:) Have a blessed day and a fun time at the reunion! HUGS!
Can't wait to hear about the reunion.
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