We went to the Mall! I had to take Gina to work any way and the kids wanted to surprise their Mommy at work.
First, we stopped at the rides. I had 2 quarters but couldn't come up with the third. Yeah, Ellen had a quarter....let the fun begin!
Aidan drives...
Zoe pretends to serve up the goodies =)
What ya got back there, Zoe?
After the ride we went to see their Mommy. She was busy with a customer so we walked to the Build a Bear store. What fun we had looking at all the bears. And the clothes for the bears! Oh my, all the choices! Someday, kids, Nana will treat you to a bear. Ellen wants one too!
We walked back to ModernEyes. Their Mommy was finished with the customer. She said there was a treat in store for her little surprise makers.
Mm Mm, good!
Pretzels and Smoothies.
Ellen's treat was a pretzel and fresh squeezed lemonade!
Mommy needed to get back to work. We decided to go see Gina. We took our good old time. One must when one is walking with Zoe. Because she likes to dance, twirl, look, sing.....all while walking to where ever she is going. She causes lots of people to smile...that's a good thing =)
We were in Boscov's,
Zoe saw the hats and had to try some!
Gina was busy with customers, so we looked at the Christmas stuff she has been busy putting out.
Aidan loves the white tree!
Zoe says,
Aww, baby Jesus!
Zoe loves the big snowman!
Gina showed us the Fall mini flags, something I'm in need of. I picked out one which she will purchase and bring home. We looked at a few more things then it was time to head home again.
We all thought spending time at the mall and visiting 2 special people was a great way to spend part of a no school day. Sorry Greta and Kim.....we would have visited you, too, had you been at work ;-)
(pardon the poor quality of these photos. camera on phone, not the best but that's what was with me today)
Being indoors at a mall during a rain day sounded like a good idea and treats as well, even better.
I enjoyed hearing about your day at the mall. I loved the photos that you shared. That is the cutest ride for Aidan and Zoe. Ellen's lemonade sounds very tasty! Hope you all enjoy a good evening.
What special times for everyone! And we know all about the dancing -- Lucy practices her ballet everywhere we go ... isn't it a proud moment when YOU are the one who says "that's my girl!" ... Love these moments :)
How fun! It's just so cool that four of your family work at the mall.
I don't like the mall, but I think I would like this kind of mall trip.
Sounds like a fun day to me:) Loved tagging along with your all! Isn't it nice to ALWAYS have a camera, because we ALWAYS have our phones! Sweet smiles on a day off from School! Enjoy your week dear Doris, BIG HUGS!
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