Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sunny Saturday!!

It has rained aaaallllllll week. In fact, our weather guy said on Thursday that we have had almost 20 inches of rain since March. Folks, thats a lot of rain! But today, the sun is shining and the sky is a beautiful blue! Outside my open kitchen window I can hear Hubby sharpening the lawn mower blade. Humm, wonder what he will be up to soon ;-)

I kept Aidan and Zoe on Thursday and Friday this week. It was a whole week since I had seen them....oh how I missed these sweet littles! On Thursday I had a Bill Gaither video playing on the TV. Zoe pulled herself right up in front of it and started singing was sooooo cute! For this singing Nana, hearing my littles sing just makes my heart go pitter-patter =)

Every time there was a break in the never ending rain, Aidan wanted to go out and swing and slide. I had to keep saying, no, it was too wet. He has a wonderful pouty face that instantly melts my heart. Maybe next week we can be outside....I pray it's to be!

Last week Corey was looking at my camera and took these pictures of his kids....Enjoy!

Aidan enjoys one of his favorite treats....
a fruit smoothie.

What a cute little Love Bug !!

There is lots of room to move around on the furniture on it! Because we do need to stain it again and the weather has not been nice enough to be out there anyway. Maybe this week......

Have a great week-end!


Anonymous said...

We are on the dry side here in GA. Our red clay is cracking it's so dry.
These are the most adorable photos!
Enjoy the warm sun today and have a great weekend Doris.

Debbi Does Dinner Healthy said...

I never thought to put oats in my smoothies. Great idea! Love the pictures of the little ones!

It's been raining a lot here too. On the bright side, it sure is green!!

Theresa said...

We had our share of rain a while back but it is getting pretty dry around here!

Love those sweet Grandbabies! Too precious! Love them all!

Have a blessed weekend dear Doris, HUGS!

Jean said...

It's hard to imagine that it's dry anywhere!

I so look forward to being outside with Austin again.

Those pics are so precious!

Mary Ellen said...

It is very dry in Mobile, Sure would like to send our rain to them.