Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Feb. 2!

Ground Hog Day....and I just heard that the most famous PA Ground Hog did not see his shadow. That means Spring is just around the corner!!! Or do feel as Matt Laurer does who held up a sign that said - BULL!
It is icy out there this morning! The trees are so pretty.

The trees are even more icy now than when I took these pictures.

We have electricity although it did blink off this morning. The electric company is working just down the road so I guess we are very fortunate. Hubby is working to break up the ice on the concrete ramp outside the door and the edge of the porch is dangerous! I know that many people in this country are facing more dire circumstances than here. The pictures on the news causes me to shiver..... Prayers for safety!

 Ellen doesn't have school again! She will be in school for a few more days in June to make up for the days off this winter. Thank God we are planning our vacation in August and not June!

I will be making a meal today for a young couple from church. Jeremy had a hip replacement last week, is now home and doing good as far as I know. I will be putting the meal together from what I have...have not been to the grocery store. So far, I baked an apple cake yesterday, will make a potato and ham casserole and baked corn. I wanted to do a salad too but will have to see if the lettuce I have is still ok. Doesn't lettuce go bad so fast?

We are to have our Women's Ministry tonight too. I'm very hesitant to go out after dark with roads that may be icy again. I already sent an email to our other leader asking when she thinks we should make a decision about getting together or not. If it were up to me, I would call it off now....but that's me! I'm a very fair weather driver! Not a brave one at all.

Happy Ground Hog Day! Please remember that the most famous PA Ground Hog says that spring is just around the corner!!



Here is my vote, Doris ~ stay home, have a cup of tea and be safe.


Doris said...

Glenda, vote accepted! Been thinking of you when I see pictures of your neck of the woods =) BRRRRR!

Theresa said...

I agree with Glenda, don't get out! Our Church will cancel if the weather is bad because there are lots of older folks that come there! Stay warm my friend! The pictures are so pretty and snow is fine as long as the power stays on! Have a blessed day, HUGS!

Doris said...

Ladies, we canceled! No need to go out even though the ice is melting. I will wait till Hubby is home to take the meal to Jeremy and Melissa. All is well =)

Jean said...

I drove all over town this morning, and everything was just slush. Now the sun's out and everything is melting. Either I'm getting braver, or they take much better care of the roads up here. I think it's the latter.

Jean said...

Hey! Spring is three days closer than when you last posted. You can come out now!

Doris said...

HAHAHAHA, sis! I am ready to do a new post....just not much happ-nin' round here =)