Monday, May 24, 2010

In the past week....

  1. Received a phone call from my almost 2 yr. old Grandson, Aidan. He wanted to come see Nana. Mommy said he could call me. Not sure if that totally satisfied him but it surely made my day!!
  2. Removed more dirt, dust and mess than I care to admit! I'm not finished by any stretch of the imagination. I could be further along if I didn't feel compelled to look at each item which comes into view.
  3. Had a wonderful visit from Aidan, his sister Zoe and their Mother Christy on Thursday. We ate lunch outside on the deck. It was wonderful to have a nice day to be outdoors.
  4. Got a haircut, color and highlights. A great way to boost the mood!! I went a bit shorter. It's getting warmer and too much hair bothers me a lot!
  5. I also got a new pair of glasses. I'm very near sighted, meaning my script glasses are very thick even though I pay big bucks to get the thinnest lenses I can get. This pair I will wear over my contacts....has progressive lenses. I give up my readers - which I was constantly in a hunt for because I would lay them any where and every where when not in need of them. Thanks to Christy for helping me to choose them and to her very generous brother, one of the owners of Modern Eyes at Park City. I highly recommend them!
  6. Tried some new recipes. That isn't new, I do that all the time. But I am enjoying making decent meals. I now have the time. We eat a lot earlier since I became a stay at home Mom. Makes the evening seem longer which is ok.
  7. Attended a wedding on Saturday afternoon. It was beautiful. The groom works with Dale. His Mother is a relative....cousin's daughter. (Dorinda Fahnestock Heisey) This was her first child to marry. A heart rendering day for all of them. Her younger son asked her if Tyler would still come home for Christmas....I remember Ellen posing a similar question when one of her sibs got married. It's hard on the younger ones!
  8. Attended church on Sunday morning. Heard a challenging message on what 'I believe'.
  9. Attended a Challenger Baseball game near Quarryville. Ellen plays on the White Sox team. She had some good hits! Took some pictures, will post. If you ever have a chance to attend a Challenger game, take it. This is a wonderful chance for kids with all kinds of challenges to play the sport which is adapted for their needs. They have a blast!
  10. Had the family here for supper last evening after the game. Corey grilled (because PopPop was busy holding a sleeping Zoe), Kim brought potato and mac salad, Marcy and Scott provided rolls and an ice cream pie, Christy and Corey brought some sodas, salsa and chips. We had so much fun....again!

It was a good week!

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