Saturday, September 2, 2023

It was a Fun August

 The calendar says it's September and that blows my mind. Then I noticed that my last post is dated August 3! What?? It doesn't feel like it's been that long ago, sigh. 

What did we do in August?

We went to Knobels Amusement Park for two days!

This park is old fashioned and we love it. Parking is free, rides are by ticket or an all day ride wristband. Ellen loves all the rides so a wristband is for her. Dale and I do tickets per ride which works for us. I only ride the train! The park has lots of trees, the food is amazing and not super expensive. So much to love about this amusement park!

It rained that morning but it ended up being a great day.
It was cloudy and the park was not full...
lines weren't long and they rode lots of rides!

Everyone was having a great time!!

Just one of the many gorgeous flower beds.

French fry break!

Scott's amazing funnel cake strawberry dessert 😲

The train!

Sweet Cambrie

Swinging and spinning from side to side higher and higher...
Ellen loves this one...and all the roller coasters.

Noah saying goodbye to his cousin Toby.
Greta and Lynn were camping with Lynn's family so they only 
came to Knoebels for one day.

Was their first time to this park...
I think their boys will want to go again!

Day 2

Was a hotter day and the park was much busier.
Marcy and Scott had to leave at 3 because Paityn had a 
a soccer commitment.  
Brinley got to stay!

Corey and Christy stayed at the park in a very rustic cabin.
We stayed at a hotel in a nearby city.

After 2 days at the park 
and before going home,
we visited a coal mine.
It was about 30 min. from the park.

Before going into the coal mine
we took a very bumpy train ride to a pretty overlook 
and learned about mining coal.

Noah picked up a big chunk of coal for a souvenir!
I'll repost that picture because my groupings always get cut off at the bottom.

He is so proud of that chunk of coal!!
His hands 😀

Mines are dark, damp and COLD!!
Not a good picture because this ride was a bit bumpy too.

We totally enjoyed it and learned a lot.

Carson had a birthday!

Carson loves cats 
so his very talented mama made cat cookies and cake!

Do you think Carson loves Legos?
He saw this jeep in a store and told his mama he'd like it...
so Nana and Pop Pop got it for him!

We did more fun things in August but it will have to be a part 2. 


NanaDiana said...

What a wonderful time with the kids! I love those old fashioned parks. We have one here, too, and the rides are still only 25 cents each-it was grandfathered in from the 1930s. Some rides take two tickets...oh my...and the brand new roller coaster takes 4 tickets. There are lots of picnic spots and you can buy or bring food. Everything is reasonable and made for family fun at a reasonable price for the day. I love all your pictures. xo Diana

Mari said...

You had a fun August! I used to like those rides Ellen likes, but not anymore.
That was a big piece of coal.
My granddaughters are huge Lego lovers too. They pick the pink and purple houses. :) That jeep is cool!

Theresa said...

The month flew right by! I just did a post this morning and seems like they get further and further apart. Anyway, you all sure had a fun month. I love seeing all of the smiles! I don't ride many rides but sure enjoy watching everyone else ride the many rides! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Kathy said...

What a great time you had! Like you I have been living life and blogging has fallen by the wayside. I have to try to get back into it.

Susie said...

Such happy times. Lots of food snacks and plenty of hugs. So glad you all had that great time. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Jean said...

So Corey and Christy stayed in one of those cabins? I had fun looking at them as we waited for our train ride.

Where was the coal mine? That would be interesting!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Doris, it looks like a wonderful family outing and that strawberry funnel cake dessert was simp;y amazing as was Noah's piece of coal!