Monday, June 20, 2022

Laptop Issues

 Having some issues with the ‘beast’ =) No new posts till it’s figured out because posting from my phone is a no go! I’ll be reading your blogs but I can’t comment…

Loving summer over here and lots happening! 


It's fixed! Corey looked at it on his lunch break and found an update that was needed in order for it to fully charge. Said it was a know problem. Thank God that's all it was 👍


Mari said...

Hooray for Corey! Glad it's fixed.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

It's maddening when one of our electronic devices suddenly develops an issue(s). Glad to read the update that it may be on the road to recovery, Doris.

Theresa said...

Yeah! I am catching up, we have been on a little vacation to the beach:) Enjoy your day dear friend, so happy that you got your laptop fixed. HUGS!