Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Our 4th, A Birthday, Flowers

Anybody watching Christmas movies on Hallmark? 

I am! Sneak one in once in awhile...

Can't let July go by without watching at least a few.

Watching one as I write this post.

Our 4th 

Saturday (the day before the 4th)

I enjoyed the game Dominoes with Christy and Noah.

Noah is very good at this game.

We had a summer downpour while we played!

Noah celebrates a win!

After dinner we saw some fireworks from my sister's home.

Ellen prefers seeing rather than hearing
so she wears noise canceling headphones.
The distance from where they were being put up is also a plus for her. 

So, totally enjoyable!
Afterwards my sister invited us to come in for a snack.
I told her not to go to any trouble...
but she did 😊
Ice cream, fruit and more!

Sunday we went to church then home for breakfast,
our usual routine!

Later we had a yummy dinner of 
salmon and hot dogs, potato salad, finger jello and a pudding dessert.

Zoe worked really hard on a special banner!

The faces of a little boy who just couldn't give me a typical pose!

He's too funny!!!

We ended the day with sparklers.

It was a very good day!

And was so relieved that all the booms from neighborhoods around us 
(there were lots)
quieted down before midnight, whew!

July 5

Another special day at our house!

Christy had a birthday!

Another wonderful day!

In other news,

Finished wearing a 24hr holter monitor this afternoon.
My Dr wanted it done because she reduced one of my medications
but I'm still having a too low heartbeat sometimes.
 Plus my heart skips beats sometimes, that's not new.

Really didn't have much of any during the time recorded
so we will see if any further changes will be made.

Hopefully that ends the string of appointments I've been having!!

At least till the next one in September 😉


Some are growing nicely.
Especially thrilled with the hydrangeas!

I will not show you the blue pots.
The begonias in them look sick!

Need to find something to replace them....
like artificial flowers, maybe???
Kidding, sorta, maybe.

Now I must get something accomplished.
I put chicken in the crockpot which will be for a dinner this weekend.

It's my sibling weekend!!
And I cannot wait!

Will make some coleslaw and cupcakes too, but not today.
Laundry tomorrow and then packing on Friday.

So happy we can get together this year!
We always have such a good time and it goes way too fast.

Blessings, my friends!


Jean said...

That was a great weekend of celebrations!! We watched State College’s fireworks on Sunday evening, but not from a good location. Really though, is any location good except being right under them?? See you SOON!!!

Latane Barton said...

No, I haven't been watching any Christmas movies but for some reason some Christmas carols keep coming outta my throat... I hum alot... does that count?

Mari said...

Looks like a very nice 4th!! The banner is so cute!
I like Christmas in July but haven't caught any movies yet.

Cindy said...

What a fun weekend! You sure know how to party! :) Beautiful flowers, the colors really pop!

Theresa said...

We had lots of loud fireworks from neighborhoods around us on the 4th, thankfully it didn't last all night. I love when you have Sibling weekends, can't wait to hear about it and see pics:) No Christmas movies here, it's too hot... hehe:) Love flowers, the blooms give me joy! My daughter actually did put some artificial flowers in a couple pots and honestly you can't tell that they aren't real:) Keep an eye on that heart, I know you will... PRAYERS. Have a blessed day dear Doris, HUGS! **Almost forgot, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTY!**

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Glad to read and see all your holiday happenings, Doris. Looks like lots of good times with the celebrations including Christy's birthday! The weather here has also been quite rainy, including now as I leave this comment. I know you will have a wonderful siblings getaway and we too are going away to see family in RI all next week. Dominoes is one of our favorite games and we played last weekend with friends too!

Laurel Wood said...

As always, your photos are just wonderful. Looks like so much fun, Happy belated birthday to
Christy. Have a great time with your sisters! Keep me posted about the monitor and any changes. Love you