Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Oh Christmas Tree

 This year is different in so many ways.

I'm not going to count them

 since you are most likely experiencing the very same.

So, that said, 

this year

I bought a slim tree for our basement living room.

Never had one down here and I always thought it would be nice.

And it is so nice!

It was on a great sale at...

Target, I think.

Or was it Michaels'?

Or Walmart???

Good grief, who knows!

What really matters is that it was $30, without lights.

That's what I chose.

Ugh, was having second thoughts at this point.
Maybe shoulda spent the extra $20 for a tree with lights ☺☺

Haven't decorated a tree in years...
and putting lights on a tree without any?
That would have been in 2011.
It was a real tree and of course they don't come with lights!

It was Greta's last Christmas at home,
she always loved real trees
so we got one that year.

This was our last real tree!

Anyway, back to this years tree.
I used what was left over from the tree in the living room upstairs.
Wasn't gong to purchase anything.

Years ago I bought some clear glass ball ornaments
with the intention to do a craft with them.
But I never did.
(Does that ever happen for you??)

So this year I bought some paints online.

Then  had a dreadful thought,
What if I decided last year to get rid of the balls?

We had gone through our stuff and donated some things we no longer use.

I really wasn't sure I had them...
Isn't that just the way it so often is?
don't need it until you part with it!

Well, was happy to discover them in a tub of Christmas stuff, yay!!

This is what I did...

Not exactly a fail but not what I was envisioning either.
I really was hoping for some marbling.

Some are sorta marbled,
some have really thin spots which are more easily seen with a light near it,
some are more solid color because I had poured more paint in them....

Oh well, they don't look all that bad on the tree so all is well!

Really wanted to use an old crock I knew we had somewhere.

Asked hubby about it. he said it was broken but he had glued it.
That didn't bother me one bit!

So the stand was taken off,
I packed a box, newspapers, blankets around the pole to keep it upright.

It's up but if I decide to do this again
 I'll figure out a more sturdy way!

In other words, don't be tipsy around my tree ☺

Also decided to tuck my red tree skirt around it 
and let some of the ruffle flop over the edge.
I really like it!

Another make-do with what I had....
Those gold beads I've had for years!

Bought them at Jubilee thrift store probably 13 years (at least) ago.
I had a huge bag of them.
Some I used on a tree or two at PV where I worked.
They stayed there when I left.

We've used them off and on through the years.

I'm kinda liking them again.
Had a few shorter strands not used elsewhere so
I used them throughout the tree.

I like it!

There it is!
Fits perfectly in our small room.

The tree is not a perfectly decorated tree but who cares?
Not me!
I do think it looks better in person than in pictures, just saying ☺

Other Christmas in our little room...

The chicken crate coffee table.
Nothing too fancy.

Placed some Christmas balls in and around some of my treasures on the shelf.
Again, nothing fancy.

Of course this is up all year...

Vintage ceramic tree surrounded by my big wonderful bunch.
Just love it! ♥

Upstairs mantle...

Just love it!!

Also did something new on the stairs.
Haven't taken a picture yet but I will.

Till next time, 
Take care, Stay warm, stay well!


Jean said...

I love your tree! Wish I could come sit in your living room with you sometime. When we’re old, I guess!

Kathy said...

That's what I need, a slim tree. We have so little room in this house. It's so pretty.

Theresa said...

SO pretty! I always have to put the lights on our tree and it never fails that some of them don't work:) It's frustrating and this year there was a shortage of lights, I guess people staying home were doing some extra decorating. BUT... I seem to make it pretty even with some of the lights out. Christmas will be different with all of the family gatherings this year and that makes me sad. We are just doing all we can to stay safe. SIGH, life WILL get back to normal and I will welcome the day. HUGS!

Susie said...

Doris, When you said you put those things away, to do sure made me smile I used to do that all the time. No more. I am like you ,get it out and use it. Or donate. The tree is beautiful to me. You will have a wonderful Christmas being there with some family members. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

Mari said...

I like that tree! We have a small tree now - skinnier and about 5 feet tall. It's a lot easier to decorate!
I also like what you did with the ornaments and the crock!

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

I had a slim tree with LED lights and Jim loved it but it got packed away when he died and I have no clue where it is. When you merge two houses, things get lost or hidden.
You did a good job decorating.

Laurel Wood said...

I love your new tree for your area. Your decorations and special touches are so festive, sending lots of love and wishes for a Merry Christmas.

Cindy said...

Such a cute tree! What a great idea to ruffle the red skirt... It looks great. All your decorations look so pretty! (Love that old rotary phone!)