Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Me and my Boy

His mama went to work. 

His brother was doing school. 

His sister had a zoom voice lesson. 

His daddy was upstairs working. 

His Pop Pop was away working. 

So it was me and him. ❤️

He wanted to check if the mail came. 

I told him it was too early for it to be there
But I hadn’t gotten in the newspaper that morning. 

It was probably under all those leaves on the driveway! 
Sure enough, he found it! 

Teaching him the value of news in PRINT
while he’s young  😊

Dale and I get some ribbing about
Still wanting the daily news. 

Don’t mind e books
but  I still enjoy 
reading a newspaper on paper  best! 

Then we went inside 

where he showed me his flips!!!

Taken several different times....

each equally successful!



As high as you can....


To his back....

Nailed it!!!

Oh my word, this kid!

Then I said I wanted a cup of coffee. 
He wanted hot chocolate...
I said he could have a cookie too. 

We talked about living in Pennsylvania. 
And also looked at the clouds. 
And talked about the rainy day we are to have tomorrow. 
And the many nice warm days we’ve been having. 

He ate his cookie.  

He drank his hot chocolate 
and I drank my coffee. 
By then his sister came
and they went off to play. 

Oh how I treasure these times with my little boy!!! 


Laurel Wood said...

Such a precious post. You are making so many treasured memories with him. Glad you two are enjoying some warm temps. I cannot believe his flips! Glad you two could enjoy your drinks on the porch, xoxo

Kathy said...

What a sweet post. These days are so important. You two had a great day.

Mari said...

Such precious time! I love what you are doing with him. He's a gymnast in the making!

Theresa said...

Precious times for sure! I know you enjoy getting to be with him daily! We still get the paper too. It is pretty expensive but Marc likes the crossword puzzles so we keep getting it. Sometimes I read it on-line before the paper is even picked up from the end of the driveway:) Enjoy your day dear Doris, HUGS!

Susie said...

Doris, I like that you had a wee friend to read the paper with. :) Bless his little heart. Haha, that flip was awesome and scary. You had a nice break with coffee and chocolate. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Nice to have these special times togather, Doris, and it looks like you both had a great day. These were some awesome flips too.