Monday, October 5, 2020

Fall and Family

My day started with a video appointment with 

one of Ellen's Dr's.

Oh my.

It all changed since her last video appointment.

I had to get Corey to help me and got it up at the very last moment...

and then we waited for the Dr for another 10 or 15.

I thought maybe I still wasn't doing something correct 

but all was well.


I think I would rather 

drive the 20 min. to the office

where I know the routine!!!

Covid be gone.....

there are some routines I'd be ok with returning to ☺

Thought I'd show you some fall-ish pictures

while I drink my cup of  pumpkin spice coffee.


Not a lot of color around here yet.
But loving this little tree.

Saw this one on a walk in our neighborhood.

Our front door now has a look of fall!

Bought some mums last week.
They are opening slowly.

I love this!
It's actually a long paved driveway that many people 
in our neighborhood and surrounding developments
use to connect walking between them.
Thankfully the owner doesn't mind.

A bit of yellow.

Dale has been busier with work lately
so I walk with Ellen.
She doesn't get as long a walk as she does with her dad
 but we do get two in a day.

My Dr would be proud of me....
except I got a phone call last week to reschedule
my upcoming appointment 
because she has left the practice.

I was so sad to hear that!
I was blessed to have her for 5 years
looking out for my health
and I know the people she will now help will be abundantly blessed too.

Ellen and I made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies last week.

They were soooo good and are now all gone  =(

Some pics from Sunday....

Dale's sister, Nancy, had the family together yesterday.
We went in the afternoon.
Was an absolutely beautiful afternoon for outside visiting.

Our daughter, Greta and her family ♥

I always love seeing Nancy's pretty flowers!
And I can't resist a pretty sky ☺

Our grandsons had the best time playing in the yard.

While I was looking at the flowers 
I heard the rattle of one of the boys on the metal door 
to the basement...
memories flooded back to when it was my kids and their cousins
playing on that door and running in the yard.

Sometimes it doesn't seem possible how fast the years have flown by.

A boy and a dog...

Toby loves dogs!
His daddy was helping him to get acquainted with this cute puppy.

It wasn't long till Toby went everywhere that puppy went!

Too stinkin' cute!! ♥♥

Last Thursday we said our final goodbye to Mary.

We miss her tremendously
but what a comfort to know she is pain free 
and with those she longed to see again.

So blessed to have had her as my step mother!

My coffee is finished 
and so is this post!

Happy October fall day to you!
(and I'm still thinking, it's WHAT?? ☺)


Susie said...

Doris, I am sorry I miss your posts at times. I did not know you had lost your mom Mary. Please accept my condolences. I looked back at some previous posts. I always love seeing your family together. The children sure have fun times. Blessings to all of you, enjoy those fall days. xoxo, Susie

Mari said...

It's looking beautiful over at your place! I love your door and the mat is so cute. :)
Glad you got to enjoy some family time.
Good for you for walking with Ellen. I'm sorry you're losing your doctor. Hope the next one is just as good.

Kathy said...

No fall color around here at all. But we usually don't see anything until the middle of November.

What fun your family has when you get together. Time does fly by so fast. Just saw a photo of my grandson all grown up. But to me he is still 10 years old!

My thoughts are with you and your family on the loss of your step-mom.

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

Family is everything and what fun when all gather together. Fall hasnt arrived in the trees here yet but it wont be long. Love those colors in your pictures.

Theresa said...

The leaves are falling here but not a lot of color yet. I know you will miss Mary, I will miss Brenda... we loved them and always will. I really love seeing all of the kids playing and having fun. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!