Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter 2018

Hoping you had a wonderful Easter. We had a great day and as I sit here with the laptop on my lap this evening, I'm still feeling so full. As I said, we had a great day....a yummy day too!

This morning the Easter Bunny, that would be me, had 4 baskets, that would be 3 bags and 1 pink bunny basket, to hide. For some reason this house seems harder to find really good hiding spots than in our previous home. This year they had to look in things (because I couldn't figure out any other way to make it difficult enough)....but I didn't tell them that right away!

First things first......

Her daddy asked if she would bring him a cup of coffee
and she did.

Then she got to work on the task she felt compelled to complete
on this fine Easter morning!

She looked under and behind many things.

Oh no, looks like she spotted something pink....

I said, NO WAY! 
You didn't find it already.....

Yup, she spotted something pink....
I didn't hide it hard enough at all!!

She starts to see what's in her pink bunny basket this year.

I think she likes it ☺

Zoe helps her open the LOL surprise thing....
I don't understand the fascination with these things, 
but she loves them!

Time for Aidan and Zoe to find their bags....

Looking in the closet....

In the pantry.....

Nana, this is hard!!

Still looking!

At this point I told her she was getting 
really, really HOT!!

She was burning up =)

Got it!!

Now Aidan was getting warmer....

Getting warmer still.....

He's found it!

Checking out the goodies!

Gotta love a kid 
who's that excited about a dollar =)

Aidan checks out his goods...

Jelly Beans.
He got a dollar too
and I think he was excited....
just isn't as dramatic as his sis ☺

Next they opened their book that we got for them. 
This year we got the younger ones a book and a chocolate rabbit.

Reading what Nana wrote to them.

Anne of Green Gables

The book includes photos from the movie.
We all loved the movie!

And then it was way past time for me to get ready for church.
I had to hurry!!

While I was doing that, 
Noah woke up,
he found his bag
no one was there to take pictures!


Our kids usually celebrate this day with their 
other family.

This year we were invited to have a late lunch with our daughter, 
Marcy and her family,
and the Smith's.
Jess's mother was there too. Her dad had to work.

Paityn and her cousin, Nolan, 
fill the water cups.

Look at this sweetie!

Come to mommy, Cambrie!

And she is walking!!

After a wonderful meal
it was time for an egg hunt!

Off they go!

Brinley finds one!

Nonnie carries Cambrie.
Poppy guides the kids to some he sees.

Nolan finds one.

Somehow I don't have any pictures of Paityn or Maelyn,

Our daughter, Marcy, and her family.
Beautiful family!!

We had a great time.
Thanks for inviting us this year, Marcy and Scott!


Anonymous said...

Love these photos, Doris. Looks like so much fun. Can't believe tiny little Cambrie is walking. Wishing you a very nice week. xo

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

I can see how you had a wonderful day.....the kiddos really add to it for sure. Thanks for sharing your day in pics.

Theresa said...

What a fun day! These kids are growing up way too fast:( Cambrie already walking, that just can't be! Love that you all spent time with Marcy and family! We didn't do anything this year, just together at Church. We had all been together for the Wedding and too pooped to plan a big lunch:) Enjoy your Monday dear Doris, HUGS!

Kathy said...

Oh, Doris, what a perfectly lovely Easter you had with your family. Children really do make any holiday special. Look at little Cambrie go! Hope you have a really nice week -- recovering. That's what I'm doing.

A Joyful Chaos said...

It looks and sounds as if your Easter was absolutely lovely!


Mari said...

What a fun day! Ellen looked so pretty in her dress, and it looks like everyone had fun finding their baskets.
We got to watch our girls do their egg hunt too. Priceless!

Jean said...

How FUN!! Easter is one of our less celebrated days simply because I am too busy with all the Easter-related church services. But we did have fun with Anthony and Lori and the boys.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Enjoyed seeing your Easter holiday photos, Doris. We also had an egg hunt, but it was hard to take photos of the grandkids running to find the goodies.

Susie said...

Doris, I love the hunt at your house. Those faces of excitement. So fun. Glad you enjoyed your Easter and family. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

CHERI said...

I'm reading more of your blog while I'm here:) You seem to have a BIG family with many wonderful. We have 2 grands (that are growing too fast for this grandmother) and Easter gets a little more challenging each year. You can read my Easter post and see how we celebrated...similar to you:) I look forward to reading more!!!