Friday, February 23, 2018

This Week

Sunday ~

It wasn't much snow and we knew warmer weather was coming so it didn't seem too bad. I stayed home from church since my throat was still sore. Grandson Aidan was also sick. He's in a musical, Honk Jr., and missed the performance that afternoon. What a dissappointment! Granddaughter Zoe was to have a birthday party with her friends that afternoon. But that was canceled. Just wasn't wise to bring little girls here with illness in our house. Again, what a disappointment but she handled it so good. We just stayed home and took it easy. And we watched the movie Wonder. Such a good movie!!

Monday ~

It was a day off for the kids, not that Aidan would have gone to school anyway. My throat felt better but my energy was still not appearing. Christy went to work and I had childcare duties. Aidan stayed in bed and the other two played and watched movies....Nana wasn't up to much and creative endeavors were tossed!

Tuesday ~

I felt great on Tuesday. Aidan not so much, poor guy. But the weather, talk about change!

Look out the window (after checking out that pantless cutie on the horse) snow!

Had a haircut later that afternoon. That's always a mood boost for me. This is also...

It was almost 5p and was still in the 70's! In February! Really unusual but loved it!

We ate dinner on the porch! Oh so nice.

Wednesday ~

Another wonderful day.

More porch sitting!

It wasnt a childcare day so I took the opportunity to head out to the mall. First stop, Starbucks for a free coffee...Venti coffee frap. So so good!! I didn't do much shopping, mostly looking. That's fine with me. Just having some alone time feeds my soul :)

On my way back home, 81!! It felt so good.

This little one did not nap that day and was grumpy by evening. I took him downstairs to our living room to watch a show. Was hoping he would relax and sleep.....but....

Oh he was but he would not let himself relax. He fought it and I gave up!

Thursday ~

And the weather changed to cool, damp, cloudy, drizzle, rain. In the 40's. Sad indeed. But I did feel thankful for my sweater, my socks and boots!

Aidan was feeling better but just didn't have any energy. His mommy made up a special smoothie with good energy boosting stuff. He was not too sure about drinking it and wasn't going to. Of course we encouraged him to just 'put it down the hatch' (!)....still bulking. SO, I told him if he drinks it I'll get him a MC D's lunch. I bribed, I did. He asked if it included a MC Flurry. Certainly, I answered. He drank it and he really did perk up! And he and his brother and Aunt Ellen and I went to get our lunch. I'm not a fan of MC D's at all. But on the menu board was a big picture of this....

Now I am a fan of this! It all worked out for me too. So so good!!

The boys enjoying their treat after their lunch =)

Friday ~

Aidan was back in school! And he was able to play his part in the musical tonight. I'm so anxious to see it on Sunday afternoon. It was his first time to audition for a speaking/singing part and he got one....he's one of the ducklings. The acting bug has bitten and there will be more shows in his future for sure.

Hubby continues to work on the loft renovation.  I'll post another picture sometime. So much yet to be done, like tearing out all the carpet upstairs and putting down flooring. And painting. It's a long project! And then I'd like to paint our area downstairs and take out carpet and put down other flooring! It's a long project.

It's late and I must get to bed. I wish you a very pleasant weekend, rain or shine!


Theresa said...

I am happy to hear that the sickness is leaving your house and I hope it stays away! The weather is crazy nice here, I know it won't last but we are enjoying it right now:) My Granddaughters are rehearsing for Seusical the Musical and I can't wait to see them perform. It is such a joy to watch the grands, isn't it? Have a blessed day dear Doris, sending HUGS your way!

From the Kitchen said...

71 degrees sounds lovely! We've had enough warmth and rain (which brought flooding) to melt all the snow. Hope all of you have recovered.


Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

Glad everyone is well again. Being alone is important for me too, and sometimes I just go to the grocery or Walmart and walk around, without purchasing a thing...I have loved the warm temps too, but understand more cold is on the way....the groundhog did see his shadow after all so it isnt over quite yet. Have a nice Saturday and rest of the weekend.

Jean said...

Hmmm. I wonder where my comment disappeared to? Last night I was looking through a few blogs and discovered you had updated. I commented and then soon afterward I saw that you had posted it on FB. Well anyway, I don't remember what I said at that late hour, but I do hope this will be a better week health wise for all of you. And I wish for SUNSHINE for all of us. I am so very weary of clouds and rain day after day.

Doris said...

Jeanie, I know I read your comment last night but was surprised to see it gone this morning. In my sleepiness I probably hit delete instead of publish =/ Good grief!

Jean said...

So I wasn't dreaming? That's good to know, hahahaha!

Karen said...

I'm glad you could all rest and get to feeling better. Sitting on the porch in the sunshine made us all feel human again. We are having heavy rain and flooding this weekend here.

NanaDiana said...

You had a busy week- except for the one 'fun/shop' day. Glad your little guy is better and back in school.

Your weather changes are interesting. Today we have high winds and sunshine. Last night we had freezing rain so lots of things were cancelled this am. Hope you have a blessed, wonderful Sunday- xo Diana