Friday, December 1, 2017

Reflections at the end of my day

My day was like many others....I provided childcare, I cooked, did some laundry, cleaned up areas around the house, got the older two to the bus stop and picked them up again. Yes, that's pretty much my life and I'm good with it!

But I also did some extras this week, spending time with Gina on Thursday. We did a little bit of shopping and found a cute little coffee shop to have our lunch. This shop offers almost all their menu items as gluten free!! You can have what you want on regular bread, wrap.....or whatever, or have it on Gluten free bread, wrap.....or whatever! Of course this was a treat for me.  I had a chicken cordon bleu panini. It had brown mustard and  jalapeño relish on it, yummy!!  We will  certainly go there again. Oh, and I had a chai tea latte served in a Christmas mug. It was all so cozy and special!

Also, on Wednesday evening the Basement Girls had dinner together. (in case you don't know, the Basement Girls are former coworkers, all with offices in the basement) We are a group of 5 but one had to cancel out at the last minute. Life, it happens but we missed her tremendously! I value this group of friends and look forward to each time we get together. The conversations started as each one came and never stopped till the last hug goodbye ♥

Maybe this wouldn't be a big deal for you, but it is for me......we upgraded our cable this week to include more channels. One channel I've really been  missing is included - HGTV!! Just in time for the last season of Fixer Upper. Love that show! Also included is Hallmark Movies & Mysteries. Of course, I will love more Christmas movies ☺

Now for some pictures......

It doesn't look a stitch like Christmas around here but our neighborhood does.

I took this picture through the windshield of my van.

Our neighbor blesses us each  year with this beautiful tree.
Cellphone picture does not do it justice, unfortunately.

Check out the moon beside the tree!

Now that the leaves are gone, I can see more.....

Again, a cellphone just can't get it as it looks.
But, let me tell you, it was pretty!
I love a  pretty sky, 
even if it's just a little bit seen through a bunch of trees!

Remember this little bargain?

The UPS truck delivered the plastic bulbs today!

And that's the extent of Christmas around here so far.
When will more make an appearance?

Some time before December 25......
that I'm sure of  ☺

Borrowing pictures of my family from FB is allowed, of course it is!

My beautiful daughter, Greta,
and her son, Carson.

Greta said she is enjoying the last two weeks with Carson
before he becomes the big brother.
We are so anxious to meet their baby boy!

Greta is amazing. She is just about ready to deliver a baby
and she's still going like she isn't even pregnant!

When I told Carson that his brother will probably look like him
(he's a splitting image of his dad!)
Carson responded with,
He will not! ....
his brother will look like his brother =)

Sweet grand, Brinley!

Brinley is missing her good friend
 who is in the hospital,
again, today. 

She's wearing purple nail polish and a purple necklace....
her friend's favorite color.
How sweet of her to show her heart felt love for her friend.

Be still my heart!!

I had helpers to make dinner tonight......

Zoe says,
Making eggs goldenrod is fun......
eating it is even better!

Even little brother got in on it!

Day is done and so am I! Good night!


Theresa said...

We are so much alike❤️ I enjoyed hearing about your day, your visit with friends and seeing pictures of those sweet family members. Let's have another good day tomorrow😊 🎄 Hugs

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

I enjoyed reading your post today and hearing about your fun with friends, family pictures and especially those precious little ones. Hope you have a very happy Saturday.

Jean said...

Wow! I have not made eggs ala goldenrod for a long time!! That used to be one of my B&B breakfasts - only if people stayed more than three nights and I had to come up with something beyond my standard three breakfasts!

So excited that you'll be having another baby in the family! Cambrie just kind of grew up already, didn't she?

Anonymous said...

You and "Ganky" both got to meet up with former workers! Sounds like so much fun. Your lunch with Gina sounds delicious. Love the pretty photo of Greta and Carson. And little Brinley is getting tall! This will be a busy and happy month for your family. xoxo

Kathy said...

That is a beautiful tree your neighbor has. I haven't gotten much Christmas up either. I have to really push myself to get it done. Not much time left.

Karen said...

Beautiful pics of your family! I'm glad you can get together with your group of friends for a girls' night out. I once worked in a basement office at Sears in Atlanta. In winter it was dark when I went to work in the morning and dark when I clocked out in the evening. We called it THE DUNGEON! Whoever was in charge of Christmas music on the intercom played I'll Have a Blue Blue Blue Christmas by Elvis over and over!

Doris said...

Karen, our offices were nice enough but with no windows. We never knew when it was snowing or raining ;-) When one of our group was 'promoted' to a first floor office, we told her we expected a daily weather report call, hahaha!