Friday, December 22, 2017

Grand Times

It's really late but I'm going to try to write a quick post. Can't believe a week has gone by since I last posted.

At church last Sunday, Aidan and Zoe did the Advent reading. It blesses me to see the grandchildren involved!

First Zoe reads.

Then daddy helps Zoe light the candles while Aidan reads.  

Aidan reading....

Noah decides to be funny....first he pulled up his shirt then pulled down the bottom of his eyes....while facing the audience!!! Not everyone saw it but those of us that did were cracking up! What a comedian, that boy. 

Noah helps to hang the ornament on the Jessie tree. Cousin Brinley joins them :)

After church we had lunch with Gina and David then we took Gina to see the new baby, Toby. 

Precious bundle! 

Later that evening the grandchildren came to bake cookies. All my pictures are on my new camera. I can transfer them to my phone for quick posting but I'm not real good at it yet and time is scarce!! I'll repost a collage from pictures that I posted on Facebook....that is simple and quick and I know how to do it.....

They had fun! We missed Carson, though. 

I have a bunch more but this will have to do! 

Tonight we attended a Christmas party at the Wolf's....friends of our daughter, Marcy's, family. How sweet for them to invite the grandparents too. The kids exchanged gifts....

Thying to get them to pose for a group pic! 

FaceTime with Brinley who was sick! She only got sick this afternoon so she and Mommy missed the party. 

Watching Brinley open her gift by FaceTime.

Isn't technology wonderful?!!

Paityn opens her gift. 

Cambrie just wandered through it all looking for anything interesting :)

The adults played a fun gift exchange game. We ended up receiving a travel mug filled with candy and a bag of organic coffee. Nice! 

Now I need to get some sleep. Tomorrow I need to hustle to accomplish as much as humanly possible.....will see how that goes!! 


Anonymous said...

It is such a blessing to see your grands participating in church. That Noah cracks me up - those faces he was making in church! Why is everything so much funnier in church!!! These are fun photos of the kids exchanging presents. Don't work too hard today. God bless and Merry Christmas. xoxo

Theresa said...

What a wonderful time! Noah cracked me up too:) I know you are proud of ALL of these cuties, oh... I will take Toby if y'all need a baby-sitter:) Enjoy your day, take a moment to kick back and relax at the end of the day! BIG HUGS!

Karen said...

The kids are adorable and what a blessing to hear them read the scripture at church.

Kathy said...

Love all the pictures of the grands. So wonderful to see children participate in church. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas.

NanaDiana said...

What fun pictures of the grandkids. I do know how it blesses your heart to see your children involved in church activities. I hope you all have a blessed, Merry Christmas, Doris. xo Diana