- Saturday, June 3. We attended a farewell party for Micheal and Emily who are moving to California. Micheal is a brother to our SIL, Scott. Jess (our hair stylist) and Josh (hubby to Jess and brother to Scott and Micheal) hosted the party. Jess is the best hostess! She makes it all seem so simple. We had a great time!
It took some convincing but
Ellen eventually agreed to sit outside.
Jess watches her sweet daughter.
It was such a beautiful evening!
Mike and Emily play bocce ball with friends.
Just relaxing!
Tucker wants to go outside to join the fun.
It's ok to come out, Tucker......
Can I, Mom??
Aww, sweet Cambrie!
Emily snaps a picture to take with her =)
You will be missed,
Micheal and Emily.
God bless your adventure to the West Coast!
Emily will be continuing her education to become a surgeon.
- Sunday, June 4. Ellen had another baseball game. It seemed like this was finally going to be a warm weather game. But on the way to there I watched the temp go from 79 at home to 69 by the time we got to the game! What?? It was another chilly and breezy game. And we weren't prepared for it.
Ellen loves this mascot,
Cylo, from the Lancaster Barnstormers!
She swings!
Go, Ellen!
- Tuesday, June 6. Women of Hope blesses Shirley!
Shirley (second on right) cleans our church.
Several months ago we focused our meeting time
on discussing how God desires us to use our God given creativity
to creativly bless others.
We decided to bless Shirley by helping her with some extra cleaning.
We washed the metal parts of the chairs,
washed window sills,
music stands and microphone stands.
Vacuumed the baseboard heaters.
Two of the ladies cleaned out a storage closet.
The ice cream treat afterwards was well deserved.
We worked hard!!
- Wednesday, June 7. Aidan had a birthday! He's 9!
Check out that new haircut!
He was shocked when he opened his gift....
a drone!!
- Thursday, June 8. It's the last day of school!!
Nana treated them to a Dunkin Donuts treat
to celebrate!
It was a busy afternoon...
took Ellen to work,
took Zoe to ballet
and waited there for more than an hour till she was finished.
Mommy and Daddy were working late.
We had dinner
then dessert and a movie!
Strawberry shortcake
with ice cream and whipped cream!
Yum, yum!
Local grown strawberries are the best.
They are watching a Star Wars movie.
(they love Star Wars, Nana not so much)
Movie over, parents still at work.....what to do??
Play Apples to Apples, of course =)
We had fun!
Then Mommy came home,
later Daddy did too.
No rushing to get to bed on this night
There's no school tomorrow!!
What was up with Sunday's weather? In the morning the forecast said it would hit 81. But it was drizzly and cool. At noon I checked again and it still said we would have 80 at 5 pm. But at 5:00 I checked again and it was 54 degrees!!
Such cute pictures of the kids!
Sweet photos of Cambrie, Ellen, and all the family and friends.
You certainly have a busy, but fun life my friend. I dont know how you do all you do and stay sane! Loved seeing all the pictures and hearing about your week of activity. Happy Friday to you and yours.
What a fun collection of pictures to treasure the memories made! Love Ellen and the Mascot:) ADORABLE picture of little Cambrie! Happy 9th Birthday Aidan! Have a blessed day my friend with your little ones, HUGS!
Hi Doris, I loved this post and the photos. You look so pretty in the photo of you and your husband with Cambrie. Love to see Ellen with Cylo, too. You all have so much fun and activity. Wishing you a lovely weekend. xoxo
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