Friday, January 13, 2017

It's a Jammy Day

I rarely have a jammy day, personally. I much prefer real clothes during the day. And I'm not in nightwear today, just dressed way more causally than normal. But these two....
It's definitely a jammy day!

Zoe is home from school today. Noah is fine, just coughing. 

I'm nursing a painful lower back since Wednesday. It's been a long time since it hurt this badly. Mornings are losens up more during the day but I'm not moving fast. Hardly moving is more like it! 

Aidan just got home from school. He's playing Wii.....Noah thinks he is too ;-)

Ellen was with her Life Skills coach today so she prepared dinner. It just needs warmed. That works for me!

Yesterday afternoon these three joined me in our basement living room to watch a cooking show while waiting for dinner to arrive. 
Aidan lasted the longest :) he likes cooking shows. 

I ordered pizza (a salad for me) for dinner last night. Their daddy picked it up on his way home from work.....that's what worked for me! 

Nothing is getting done, not by me anyway. Hoping and praying for better days ahead! 

Have a great weekend! 


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the photos. I hope you all will feel better this weekend. Glad you are taking it easy and giving your back time to relax. xoxo

Mari said...

Jammy day sounds perfect! I hope you back improves quickly!

Kathy said...

Boy do I know about backs! Take care of yourself. Getting pizza sounds like the way to go.

Theresa said...

Praying for you my friend, hope and pray that your back is feeling better this morning! Looks like you have lots of sweet smiles to help you thru the day! BIG HUGS!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Ouch, Doris, sure hope you are feeling better in a few days. It must be really hard to really take it easy with your active grandkids.