Wednesday, September 11, 2013

At the End of a Busy Day

Sounds like a book title!

At the end of this busy day -

  • I enjoyed reading some blogs. I listened to several music videos my friends have posted. They blessed my weary soul ♥
  • I filled out several papers Ellen brought home from school. I also looked for a blue paper that I was to sign and have her return. I didn't find it. I think I may have thrown it away, oops!
  • I looked at the dirty dishes sitting in the sink - and walked away. Yes, I did. I really could use an automatic dishwasher..
  • I ate a baked sweet potato that I baked yesterday, because I didn't have dinner. I'm still hungry, oh well!
Let me tell you about my busy day! You won't offend me if you skip reading this. I'm writing it because I will forget what I did if I don't! Really, new routines seem to throw me for a loop more than they used to. I have done some stupid things lately!

  • I had a Dr. appointment this morning. I need lab work done because of the meds I'm on. Fasting lab work. Nuf said. I screwed up the time I was to be there but they saw me anyway. So embarrassing!!
  • I got a flu shot. Almost forgot about that till I lifted my arm just now. Ouch!
  • After the appointment I drove to Dunkin D's for you know what...a Toasted Almond Iced Coffee and something to eat because I needed caffeine and I was hungry!
  • But, because my brain seems to be somewhere other than in my head where it belongs, I drove way out of the way, not once but twice, on my way to get coffee.
  • I also needed a few groceries and think I did ok with that ☺ Maybe because I inhaled that iced coffee before buying the groceries!
  • I made spaghetti for dinner. It needed to be a simple meal because of plans for this eveng.
  • We had an open house to attend at the BOS program Ellen is part of during the afternoons this year. BOS (Basic Occupational Skills) is an IU program. We learned so much this evening. She is very blessed to have been chosen for this. The staff is wonderful! She will learn lots of new skills this year and we expect she will have a good idea where her skills will be best used in employment in the future, It's very exciting!
This tired brain needs some rest. Tomorrow I will spend some time with Gina who wants to spend some  time with me as her vacation come to an end. Friday I will spend some time with Marcy as she continues to work at getting their house ready to list. I expect to be keeping Brinley busy so Mommy can make decisions =) 

Life - wow. Sometimes it spins it's wheels and sometimes it moves... hopefully towards our goals!


(beach pics haven't made it to the computer yet. spinning my wheels ☺)


Jean said...

Totally crazy week for me too. I almost fell asleep reading this, haha! Goodnight!

Theresa said...

Well I just got up and you have made me tired:) Keep those legs moving sweet Doris, BIG HUGS!

Anonymous said...

Whew! Busy time. So happy that Ellen is in the new program; that's really a blessing. You MADE me stop at DD and try their iced coffee-it was so good. My excuse: heacache!!!
Love you and wish you a good day.

Karen said...

Hope you get a little time to catch your breath. I know all you do is much appreciated.


Sounds like you need a little mini vacation. :)
