Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Church Ladies

I think we need a name. In fact I have been thinking that for some time. Last evening one of the ladies said it too. Hummmm.......when we figure it out, I'll be sure to post =)

Yesterday I worked all day at cleaning the downstairs of this house. Motivation is always enhanced when I'm having people over! We (the Women's Ministry at church) meet the first Wednesday of each month. At one time, we met at church. But both Sherry and I (the leaders) felt we should meet in our homes. I don't know about you, but it seems we don't open up our homes as much as our parents did. God has been speaking to my heart for quite some time about this. I'm trying to be obedient. It takes effort but is so worth it.

The ladies were arriving and we sat in my living room chatting. It was about 7:20 and I said it was so unlike Sherry to be late. Everyone agreed. Someone suggested that I call her. I called her home. One of her little son's answered and then Sherry came to the phone. I said Hi....we have Women's group tonight.....there was a big gasp! She completely forgot! Now that is something I would do! She was to lead the study but I told her not to worry, we would just share and pray. One of the ladies needed to leave early. I didn't want her to miss the awesome snack Sue brought so we took the food to the living room and we ate while we shared. It was a sweet time. I love these women!

So today it's cold and raining. I could stay in my bathrobe all day....but I won't. Greta and I will be heading to the new Ross and Christmas Tree Shops at a new shopping center near the outlet stores in Lancaster. Love those stores and am so excited to have them closer. It will be a fun day.

I hope your day is fun too!


marcy said...

Have a great time shopping despite the cold rainy weather. Glad your mouth is feeling better too! Marcy

Theresa said...

Well, I can so relate to the "I forgot":) It seems like I remember Sunday because I go to Church but the rest of the days all kinda run together! It has gotten much worse since my Husband retired! I put stuff on my calendar in my Iphone or I wouldn't make lots of scheduled appts.

I remember when I was a little one, Sundays were always having the Preacher for lunch! These days... everyone just eats out! I like it the OLDEN way!

Enjoy your day my friend! HUGS!

Barb said...

I agree, meeting in homes is a wonderful idea. Sounds like you have a great bunch of ladies.

Jean said...

I agree too - having people in our homes is wonderful, but almost impossible for the many women who work fulltime, as you and I both know so well.