Monday, April 29, 2024


 It's been awhile. Life has a way of moving along and the blog takes a back seat these days. I'm certainly not going to update everything we've been up to but here are a few current pictures of life on our hill.

We had a dead tree cut down.  Last year it never got leaves (was fine the year before) so it had to go. This one was right in front of the house and a very large one. 

They started by sawing the branches which broke up in many pieces when they fell!

The little dogwood tree beside it went down too.
We knew it would. 

Not a job for me!!

This is the last cut and the tree is no more.

Spring has been so beautiful in our neighborhood!

We even had lilac blooms, my favorite!
Some years there are few to none.

Yesterday at church the kids helped lead worship....I love when they do that!

And now I must get on with my day. Can't promise that I'll be more faithful in my posting but I'll be back when I find the time... or feel like posting. ☺️ 

Wednesday, January 17, 2024


 Wait, what??? It was September when I last posted!! Oh my.

Well, I'm still alive and still kicking, just not as high ☺️ I had a sweet resident at the nursing home where I worked say that. She always would laugh as she said it. Nice memory!

I'm not going to take a lot of time to catch you up tonight but wow, is there ever a lot of life that's happened since SEPTEMBER! 

Might be a bit more time to blog just now. Ellen tested positive for the C and since I have been around her the most, I will also keep distance from the rest of the family to be on the safe side. So far I'm not positive. Ellen isn't feeling very sick other than a cold, thankfully. 

I feel like I should include a picture or two (or three)....

Ellen on Christmas morning.
New flooring, new paint in these rooms...
that happened in November.
Now new flooring is going in, almost fished,
 in our lower level bedrooms and living room. 
No more carpet and that's the way we like it!

Pretty snow yesterday.

I snapped this one this morning.

The snow might stick around for's really cold!

See you soon!