Monday, December 3, 2018

Another Day (and another post)

As promised, another post!
I was a busy bee today getting Christmas out of bins and boxes and placed on shelves and anything that's flat =) No pictures yet.....I'm not finished.

I will show you this....since I was told I never posted a picture of the wall.

Our sofa from the living room upstairs and the accent wall.
Pictures need to be hung but I'm still choosing and deciding.

I'll most likely get new pillow covers for the pillows
that will compliment the room better.
Lots to choose from on Amazon!

I'm thrilled to own this vintage beauty.
It belonged to my cousin's wife and my friend
who passed away.
I think it may have been her mother's.
Her mother had one just like it.
If so, 
I'm even more thrilled!
Her mother loved the story about how she got it
 and I loved hearing her tell it!

How about this vintage display....

That shelf hung on the back porch of the home we sold 4 years ago
also the home my parents bought when I was 8 or 9 years old.

It was taken down when aluminum siding was put on the house
in the late 70's. 

Paint cans were stored on it in the basement most of the 30 years
that house was our home.

I told my hubby that it was coming with us when we moved.
Now it is being put to good use!
He sanded it and finished it with a clear coat of something....
I'm not a painter and proper terms escape me =)

Most of the items on the shelf are from Dale's mother.
Dale brought home the yellow Pyrex bowl from a job site.
I bought the red book at an antique market.
 The Christmas ornament was a gift from blog friends Pat  and Dorothy.
Been waiting and waiting to display the canister set.
Isn't it lovely?

Looking forward to more shelves to display more treasures!

Yesterday the grandchildren that we live with 
read the Advent reading at church.

They did an amazing job!!
Even the little guy got to participate
by hanging the ornament on the Jessie tree.
(with mommy's help)
Call me proud!

God bless your evening! Enjoy this special month and all it's festivity to the fullest!


Vintage Girl 901 said...

Love yellow Pyrex. My DIL collects it. Love the color of your wall. Those babies are the cutest! I know you’re proud of them.

Mari said...

The wall looks great!
I love the shelf, and even more after reading the history of it.
My mom had a tree like that too.
Good job kids!

Kathy said...

My mom made me a little ceramic tree like that many years ago. It got lost when I moved 30 years ago. How I wish it would just show up one day. Your shelf is just darling. I love the way you have it decorated.

Ramblings of a Retired Lady said...

Love the shelf and all that is on it. Enjoyed hearing the meaning of the items too. The wall is such a beautiful color. I know you were proud of the kids and rightly so.

Theresa said...

Love the accent wall and the throw to match on the sofa! The shelf is beautiful and full of memories! Have a blessed day dear Doris, HUGS!

Jean said...

Finally I have read this blog post! I LOVE that wall and all your things in your living room!! I just can't picture the layout of your room. I guess I should come visit sometime!

I don't really remember that shelf on the back porch. Was it above the pump? We did have a pump on the porch, right?

How great that the kids could help with the Advent reading. That's Greta in the background, right?

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Nice to see the finished painting project, Doris and Dale did a great job. I liked the story about the shelf, the canisters and the ceramic tree. And, of course, it was great to "see" the holiday decoration we gifted to you. Nice too that Aiden and Zoe and Noah too helped out with the service.