Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Valentine's Day! 

Ellen found this cutie outside her bedroom door this morning. Behind the heart was a pack of dark chocolate cookies :) 

It usually looks more like Valentine's Day around here than it does today. Here is WHY!!

Last week my hubby started a renovation project. He removed the railing from the loft....said he was going to ask me to help. Oh dear, I had a hard time being near the railing when it was stable and in place. No way could I be up there without it!!! 

By day's end it looked like this....

We are enclosing most of the loft. The opening will have a railing, a higher one than before. (Hubs put a barrier there to prevent curious kids from falling) Inside the loft will be a rolling door to close off the open space when needed. A pocket door will be installed at the hallway entrance. The idea is to make it safer for the kids....especially our Noah kid (!) and if we ever need that space for a bedroom, it's already done. 

This week the project provided more dust and dirt!

Noah is so interested in watching his Pop Pop work! 

I think he is satisfied with the drywall now which means that most of the dust making is finished. At least I hope! 

Lots of clean up is in my future!!

In other news.....

Ellen and I got to spend Sunday afternoon with our moms and daughters group....Minus the mom who is still fighting to get well and her daughter. We missed them!! Please keep them in your prayers. This is going to be a long recovery for her. A few improvements are encouraging to all of us. 

We started our time together with ice cream! Ellen's favorite:)

Moms ate some healthy stuff and got caught up on our lives 

I cut Maureen out of this sorry, Maureen! Then I never took any more of the moms!! Love these ladies!

Next the girls did some crafts. They all did such a good job!

Ellens completed hearts. 

And on the back she wrote a list of her most favorite things!! Love it!! 

She hung it next to her cat picture we gave her for Christmas. 

She decided to work on this at home. Rather creative, I'd say! 

Yesterday Gina and I spent the day together. Had lunch at Jimmy John's, yum! We did a little bit of shopping at the Lancaster outlets, a consignment store (didn't find anything there) and some grocery shopping. Fun day! We ended it by stopping in to see baby Toby and his family before taking her home. 

Toby is growing!! 

Also yesterday we found out that we can't get tickets to see Frozen on broadway in April. Ellen and I along with two of her friends and their moms are planning a bus trip to NYC to see the show. But tickets are just not available. So sad! We aren't giving up on the trip, no way! We will see Lion King instead. All is well and it will be fun! 

Have a GREAT day! 


Theresa said...

Look at your Man doing all of that remodeling! I love the design and ideas. You and Ellen have so much fun with your friends. Enjoy your evening dear Doris, HUGS.

Mari said...

I wouldn't want to be up there either! It's looking good though, and isn't it great to have a hubby who can do those things?
Glad you and Ellen had fun with your friends. She did great with her project!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Looks like Dale is doing quite a nice job on the loft renovations, Doris, and I know what you mean about the dust and cleanup. next month, we will be facing much the same when our apt kitchen and bathrooms undergo renovations. I will have to remember to take before and after photos. Looks like Ellen and her friends had a wonderful time creating their valentines.

Karen said...

I enjoyed your update and photos. Hope you all have a wonderful trip to NYC!

Jean said...

I guess Wednesday was a really busy day for me, because I completely missed this post!

I love what Dale's doing to the loft! So much safer and more functional. Maybe we'll come and sleep up there sometime, haha!! Sammy and Bianca would never be ok with that! I like that you're keeping one section of railing.

I love all the fun you and Ellen have with the girls and their moms.