Thursday, April 30, 2015

Kids, Flowers, New


This morning Christy, Zoe, and I attended a school program at Aidan's school. They will be singing again this evening at their music and arts show.
What is cuter than a stage full of first graders performing? :)) (another group of first graders would do the same program after this one) 

Here they come! Aidan is in the front row in the peachy/orange plaid shorts. He insisted on wearing shorts because he said it gets sweaty up there on stage!

It was a very cute program. The kids did a wonderful job!

We went to get smoothies afterwards. I had an iced coffee. 

Such a cutie!

Her baby has gone with her all week :)

We sat outside until Zoe got too cold. It's not as warm today as it was yesterday. 
We wait for Baby Boy to be born :) Hopefully SOON!


The pots of pansies are doing great!


The For Sale sign and the blue lock box on the front door is gone. Looks like we will soon be meeting new neighbors. The kids in our house are hoping for kids in that house! There are a few teenagers in our part if this neighborhood, but not one kid. Loads of kids live on the first section of Briarwood.
*update- we see two kids bikes outside the kids seen yet but it looks hopeful :)

Leaves....really beautiful new green leaves :)

I LOVE this season!

Enjoy today!


Unknown said...

Nothing cuter than little kids programs. Your flowers are so bright and beautiful.

Mari said...

I love this season too - green is starting to appear on some of the trees.
Looks like a fun time at the 1st grade program. Those really are fun!

Anonymous said...

Aidan looks like he enjoyed being on stage! I know you are anxious to meet the new baby! Hope some children move in soon.

Theresa said...

I love programs like that with the little kiddos singing their hearts out:) I hope you get some little kid neighbors for playtime with your little ones! Have a blessed day dear Doris, HUGS!


No lilacs yet in Chicago. I love the picture in your header.


Jean said...

I miss programs!! I used to always do a first grade program just for the parents. It was in the first grade curriculum and had the CUTEST songs in it and little parts for the kids to say.