Yeah, a marching band!!
Uncle Sam walked the streets, of course!
Several fire companies included their trucks in the parade.
Ellen waves!
Our favorite radio station!
They were playing awesome music....
Ellen bounced to the beat =)
Kids Cookie Break car!
We love that little car.
Ellen loves their Saturday morning radio show...
I said a prayer for Lisa Landis, the host of the show,
who is in the hospital with a terrible bacterial infection in her leg.
My heart goes out to her and her family.
Pretty little girls!
What a cutie!!
Warwick High School cheerleaders!
Ellen loves cheering, too!
Yes, we came home with lots of candy!!
I'm a very happy girl!
Landis Valley Farm Museum brought horses and wagons to the parade.
Ellen laughed as I told her about the last time we went there.
She was too young to remember...
All she wanted to do was to ride the horse drawn wagon.
Nothing else interested her!
Look who stopped to pose for a picture with our girl =)
We always love seeing this car!
We also LOVE Hershey, PA
Hershey's Kisses!
On Tuesday evening when Corey and the children were leaving, we noticed this...
We love rainbows!
Yesterday afternoon, I took Ellen shopping for a new pair of sneakers.
She hasn't had a new pair of sneakers for almost a year!
I gave her a choice of looking at the mall or going to the Sketchers outlet.
She choose the outlet. Good choice, Ellen!
How cute are they?!!
A Happy 4th to you!
Somehow, even though we lived so near to Lititz for a few years, I can't remember ever going to the Lititz parade. How weird is that?
Jeanie, this was our third time going. All the years I was working, I was too tired to even think of rushing to get there on time =) It is a wonderful small town parade. Ellen enjoyed watching the music they had in the park on Ch. 11 after we got home. (she doesn't want to attend the show because when we did, they put off 2 fireworks which scared her...I don't even remember that, but she surely does!!)
It looks like a wonderful parade. These are great photos of Ellen enjoying all the music, candy and fun. Ellen's new sneakers are nice. She can really cheer and dance to the marching bands now. Happy Fourth to all of you!
Hi Ellen!!!
Happy 4th to you and yours! I LOVED parades when I was a kid. I took my son to a parade when he was two, and when it was over, he asked me, "What they 'prayed' for?" :)
I LOVE Parades:) The buildings in the background are SO pretty! Ellen was truly enjoying herself! Made me smile to see her sitting there with her bow of red, white and blue:) SWEET! Have a blessed evening dear Doris! We are just getting rain, no festivities around here! HUGS!
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