Kim and Andrew
Gina and Jayson relax before the show.
Greta with Selah (daughter of friends) and Zoe
Soooo cute!
Corey with Scott and Hannah Byers,
our friends from church who came for the first time.
We were so thrilled they joined us!
Their son Isaiah can be seen next to his mommy and Selah is in front of her.
My sister Jean and her hubby Dick
They are responsible for starting this tradition.
Many years ago they went to a concert and fireworks show in Long's Park.
They told us about it and how much they enjoyed it.
I thought they were nuts..
too many people, not to mention the nightmare leaving the park after it was over.
Was sure I would not enjoy it.
But we went one year, many years ago....
and the rest is history!
Jeanie and Dick no longer made this celebration each year since they moved to State College.
We were so blessed to have them join us this year!
Jeanie and Dick's granddaughter Jada.
Another cutie!
Hubby relaxing.
Scott is too.
Kim provides glow sticks for the kids...
and adults who had fun with them =)
Aidan and Andrew help light them.
Christy and Zoe do some dancing...
Chris, Modern Eyes employee,
(staff and owners always join our gang for the fun. Those who are working walk over from the mall after closing. Those who aren't working just bring their families and join our large circle. We love it!)
looks forward to loading his plate with food each year.
He is thoroughly enjoying this!
More food in another cooler!
Lynn helps him load up.
The kids had such a wonderful time!
Here they are, Naomi and Tirzah (daughters of Scott and Hannah),
Aidan and Paityn, having fun with a long rope of glow sticks...
How low can you go?!
We enjoyed the music by the US Army Field Band and Soldier's Chorus, the cannons which always adds to the enjoyment of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture, and the awesome loud and crazy fireworks show. I had so much fun watching my family and friends enjoy themselves. Thanks to my family who provided wonderful food! Just a sampling of what we enjoyed -
- Lynn made his famous PB bar cookies - they are always a hit!
- Scott made a raspberry, rhubarb bar cookie - so good!
- Christy and Corey brought the best potato chips - you know how much I love chips!
- Kim brought a wonderful assortment of fresh fruit - so refreshing!
- Greta and Lynn also brought 2 kinds of bologna and several kinds of cheese - again, always a hit!
- I brought the sandwiches. I divided up the leftovers of the big loaf sandwich to Scott, Corey and Kim to take home.
- Of course, Aidan had his jello! He was so funny. Everyday I saw him last week, he made sure I was going to make some. At church on Sunday he asked again and it was the first thing he asked me when we arrived at the park!
Now, I must get busy. Aidan and Zoe will be here early this afternoon, I have a few things to put away from our busy week end, and clean up of this house is a constant! Hoping I can visit some blogs this afternoon too.
A wonderful day to you!
I didn't realize you took so many pictures! They're great! I should have waited to post my blog so I could have stolen some of them!
Doris ... your family knows how to have fun. Your blog has the perfect title.
I would love to live near my large family.
Your pictures are wonderful. I loved seeing everyone have such a fun time. The food sounds delicious! Have a nice afternoon.
I remember this wonderful time from years past:) SO much fun! LOTS of people having fun! Tiny little ones in their patriotic dresses! Have a blessed week dear Doris, HUGS!
We will enjoy a similar celebration with a band concert and ice cream social this Wed night in a neiboring town. Yours looks like a lot of fun, Doris.
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