Saturday, May 28, 2011

Hot weather, Holiday week-end ...YEAH!

Temps in the 80's heading to the 90's! Where did that come from?? Oh well, if there ever should be a week-end with warmer temps, it should include a holiday.....don't you think?

It will be busy....bushes to trim (Hubs already working on that), flowers to purchase and plant (kinda dread heading to the green house today. I'm sure it will be packed and HOT!), food to prepare for two special get togethers on Sunday, a bit of cleaning around the house, deck and fence to power wash, deck to stain, fence to paint......lots to do!

Corey, Christy and the kids left for a week-end at the beach yesterday. I've been asking Aidan if I can come too. He said 'You don't have a bucket"! He said the same to Pop Pop and Lynn yesterday but thought maybe they could borrow one =) In his sweet mind, why go to the beach if you don't have a sand bucket!

Sunday will be filled with two cook-outs (Fahnestock lunch to be with Lynette and John visiting from Maine), a baseball game and pool party. Sadly, we have to miss the third event on Sunday. My step-Mother's family and my family are getting together in the evening. I hate to miss it. But we will honor Ellen this time and attend the pool party at the home of the Coach after the game.

Have a wonderful Memorial Day week-end! This week-end brings back some memories each year since 1998. That's the year our daughter Marcy was in a boating accident that changed her life forever. While it was a traumatic time, for sure, we have so much to be thankful  for. What a testimony she is for living her life to the fullest. One can be filled with joy even when living with a physical disability. She truly is amazing!

May we never forget those who served our country....Have a wonderful Memorial Day!


Theresa said...

Good Morning Sweet Doris, come closer to the computer... closer, oh girl come on closer...

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm that was a HUGE GANKY SIZED HUG!

Enjoy this weekend my friend and yes one CAN be filled with joy even when living with a physical disability! What a truly gorgeous AMAZING Daughter you have! God blesses us daily and we have so much to thank HIM for!

Love you my friend!

Anonymous said...

Hi Doris and Happy Weekend, You certainly have a full schedule this weekend. I hope Ellen has a great time at the pool party.
I did not know about Marcy. May God continue to bless her.
You and Pop are going to have to invest in a sand bucket for trips to the beach! Enjoy the weekend.


You and I seem to have opposite weather on most days. It is cold here - we even turned the heat on this morning.

Your weekend does not sound like a holiday . . . but I love working weekends at home.

Enjoy your parties on Sunday.
